OP4810-IO/OP4815-IO Certification and Standards

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OP4810-IO/OP4815-IO Certification and Standards

This product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives as follows:

The essential requirements of the directive 2014/30/EU are covered by the following harmonized standards:
EN61326-1 (2021) – Electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use. The immunity test requirements used for this product qualification are for the equipment intended to be used in an industrial electromagnetic environment.

Certifying Body

Standard Number

Standard Name


Minimum performance requirement criteria

Certifying Body

Standard Number

Standard Name


Minimum performance requirement criteria

FCC part 15 (2022), subpart B

Conducted Emissions

Class A 150 kHz-30MHz


FCC part 15 (2022), subpart B

Radiated Emissions

Class A 30 MHz-20 GHz