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RT-LAB is not available in MATLAB

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If any of the OPAL-RT toolboxes have not been installed in your instance of MATLAB, you can add them manually. Run the following “m” script in your MATLAB to install them.

ARTEMIS Blockset
C:\OPAL-RT\ARTEMIS\[ARTEMIS version]\art_m\setup_artemis.m
C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\[RT-Lab version]\simulink\m\setup_rtlab.m
C:\OPAL-RT\RT-XSG\[RT-XSG version]\Simulink\xsg_Rxx\m\setxsgpath.m

My simulator is not detected by RT-LAB

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  • Make sure that your antivirus or firewall software has not blocked RT-LAB.
  • Create a target node in RT-LAB: in the Project Explorer, right-click on Targets then select New/New Target.
  • Enter a name and the specific IP address for the target.
  • Now click Ping to ensure that the target is available. If not, please contact your network administrator or follow the instructions on this page:


Otherwise, click Finish and your target appears in the Project Explorer.

I need a license for my simulator

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If your simulator needs a license, double-click it in the Project Explorer to open its editor, then go to the License tab and follow the instructions.
For more details on the license system, visit: http://www.opal-rt.com/KMP/index.php?/article/AA-01022/8/HowTo/How-To-Request-and-Install-a-License-for-RT-LAB-11.x.html 


If you have any questions, refer to our Resource Center or our Download Center web pages or contact the Support team using the “Support Request” web page: www.opal-rt.com/support-home.
Be sure to check out the Troubleshooting page of this Quick Start Guide. It is a good reference for helping you understand the source of any issues you might have. If you don’t find an answer, contact us and we will answer your questions and help you with getting the process started.


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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