OpNI671x Analog Out

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OpNI671x Analog Out




The National InstrumentsNI671x - NI673x cards feature analog outputs, digital I/O lines and counters. This block supports NI671x - NI673x PXI and PCI compatible cards. It monitors the 4 or 8 analog output channels depending on the card selected.

The OpNI671x AnalogOut block has two working modes: an Immediate Mode in which the analog output values are immediately updated when a new input voltage value is available and a Trigger Mode in which the analog output channels are updated only when a rising edge occurs on the triggering signal. The source the triggering signal can be one of the PFI pins of the68pin IO connector (see the Connector Pin Assignments section below), or the RTSI0 signal of the RTSI bus.

The NI671x-NI673x cards also support an external reference voltage (EXTREF) pin.


Bus TypeSee the glossary definition.
Board TypeSelect the card model (6713 or 6711) in this list.
PCI indexSee the glossary definition.
Glitch modeEnables or disables the glitch mode. This mode corresponds to an extra work performed by the card to avoid unpredictable noise signal each time the Analog Out values are actually changed. With the glitch mode "on", the card reduces the amount of noise added to the output signals during this phase.
SynchronizeSee the glossary definition.
External referenceEnables the use of the external voltage reference. The default output voltage range for the Analog Out signal is ] -10 V, +10 V [ but you can provide your own DC reference signal in order to control your output voltage ranges. Use the EXTREF pin of the NI671x connector to provide the desired DC reference signal.
Triggered OutputEnables or disables the triggered output mode. Using this checkbox you can choose between the Immediate mode and the Triggered mode.
Trigger source pin numberThis option is only enabled with the Triggered mode. It allows you to select the source of the trigger for the analog output channels. The PFI pins of the 68pin IO connector and the RTSI0 signal of the RTSI bus are supported. The RTSI0 signal can be generated by the OpSync NI6602 block.


At each calculation step of the model, the block updates the NI671x analog output channels with the current values of its inputs pins. These input values must be specified in Volts.
When an external voltage is used to define the voltage range, the input values must be scaled to the external voltage reference value before being sent to the block. For this reason, it is recommended to connect the external voltage reference signal to an analog input channel so that the model knows its exact value and can use it for scaling the analog outputs.

Three sets of input values must be specified :

Reset, pause and runSee the glossary definition.


This block has no outputs.

Characteristics and Limitations

Connector Pin Assignments

The following table gives the description of the signals related to the analog output channels and is followed by the connector pin assignments of the NI671x 68-pinI/O connector.

Signal Name Signal Description 
DACOUT0, DACOUT1Analog Output channels
AOGND Analog output ground
EXTREF Analog output external voltage reference 

68-pin I/O Connector Pin Assignment


Description Pin Description 
34AnalogOut Ground68Not Connected
33Not Connected67AnalogOut Ground
32AnalogOut Ground66AnalogOut Ground
31AnalogOut Ground65DAC7OUT
30DAC6OUT 64AnalogOut Ground
29AnalogOut Ground63AnalogOut Ground
28DAC5OUT 62Not Connected 
27AnalogOut Ground61AnalogOut Ground
26AnalogOut Ground60DAC4OUT 
25DAC3OUT 59AnalogOut Ground
24AnalogOut Ground58AnalogOut Ground
23AnalogOut Ground57DAC2OUT 
22DAC0OUT 56AnalogOut Ground
21DAC1OUT 55AnalogOut Ground 
20EXTREF 54AnalogOut Ground 
19Digital IO 453Digital Ground
18Digital Ground52Digital IO 0
17Digital IO 151Digital IO 5
16Digital IO 650Digital Ground
15Digital Ground49Digital IO 2
14+5V48Digital IO 7
13Digital Ground47Digital IO 3
12Digital Ground46Not Connected
10PFI144Digital Ground
9Digital Ground43PFI2
7Digital Ground41PFI4/GPCTR1_GATE
5PFI6/WFTRIG39Digital Ground
4Digital Ground38PFI7
2GPCTR0_OUT36Digital Ground
1FREQ_OUT35Digital Ground
Direct FeedthroughNo
Discrete sample timeNo
XHP supportYes
Work offlineNo

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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