Changing Parameters of Components

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Changing Parameters of Components

To change the Parameters of a component:

  • Select the desired component, and the Parameters sidebar appears on the right.

This is a contextual dialog, so the component you select determines what parameters are available for adjustment in the dialog box. Note also that some items have several parameters that are adjustable, while others may have one or none.

  • Select a parameter to change, enter a value in the desired box, and click Enter.
  • Repeat this as many times as required, once per parameter.
  • When another component is selected, the parameters in the dialog box change to correspond to the new selection.

Note: If the entered value doesn't respect the validation rules (the range of acceptable values for that parameter) the value is reset to the value previously assigned.

Note: To make a parameter visible on the canvas, near the block, open the deep panel and toggle the switch for View on Canvas. This is only available for certain parameters

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