Including a new firmware

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Including a new firmware

Including a new firmware in Schematic Editor

Including a new firmware in Schematic Editor involves the .ioconf file for this firmware.

Import an .ioconf custom file

The concept is to import the custom firmware file through Schematic Editor User Interface.

In the top menu bar, go to "Simulate" > "Firmware Manager", and then click import button located above the firmware table, as indicated in the figure below:

In file chooser dialog box, select the corresponding .ioconfig file. A message is issued once the import is completed.

Verifying if the firmware has been properly installed

Once the user has done the procedure described above, it is possible to verify the firmware presence:

In Firmware Manager ("Menu bar" > "Simulate" > "Firmware Manager").

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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