TestDrive Folders

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TestDrive Folders

Folder Organization

The TestDrive folder is installed in \\OPAL-RT, meaning the exact location of the TestDrive installation is relative to your previous RT-LAB installation folder.

TestDrive Folder

The TestDrive folder contains the following folders:

  • The Doc folder contains TestDrive user
  • The Models folder contains TestDrive related model
  • The Panels folder contains all sub-panels.
  • The Profiles folder contains user configuration
  • The Scripts folder contains all

Doc Folder

The Doc folder contains user and administrator documentation on all TestDrive's hardware and software. These documentation files can also be accessed from TestDrive's Help menu.

Doc Folder Files





Printed User Guide in Adobe Acrobat format

Double click on the file name to open it and print the document


Online help

Double click on the file name to open the online help

 Models Folder

The Models folder contains a subfolder for each TestDrive model. These subfolders contain all files related to specific models, including their default configuration files, RT-LAB-related sub-folders, and files.

Default Configuration Files

Default configuration files are convenient for new users who want to have TestDrive running quickly without having to configure their environment from scratch. There is one or more default configuration files in each model folder, they have an ini extension. See the Profiles Folder section for explanations on configuration files.

Panels Folder

The Panels folder contains sub-panels to be used in the TestDrive Interface.

Profiles Folder

The Profiles folder contains a folder for each user. In its turn, a user folder contains a user's configuration folders, i.e., one for each configuration.

User Configuration Folders

Users can have as many configurations as they need. Each configuration is saved in a certain number of files which can be found in the configuration folder: two initialization file, one alias file, one parameter file and one signal properties file.

Scripts Folder

The Scripts folder contains all scripts.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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