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Examples | EMTP Compatibility Introduction


This example model can be found in the software under the EMTP > EMTP_Compatibility_Introduction.ecf.

Model Description

This example is a very simple model which shows the EMTP Network Compatibility between EMTP and HYPERSIM. The model consisting of a passive circuit, a voltage source, and switch. The switch is closed in steady state and open at 4 ms. The example is intended to show the basic steps required to simulate an EMTP model in HYPERSIM. As opposed to EMTP, the end of a simulation in HYPERSIM is undefined. In HYPERSIM, the simulation is stopped manually by the user and the time is defined as absolutely or relatively. This example would help to show the notion of time and to better understand the difference between EMTP and HYPERSIM when modeling a switch.

EMTP Network Compatibility 

The EMTP Network compatibility consists of editing/simulating a circuit in HYPERSIM which was originally developed on EMTP. EMTP and HYPERSIM share the same user interface and network data format (*.ecf); thus, an EMTP model can be loaded in HYPERSIM.

This example model is an example which has been created in EMTP and is now opened in HYPERSIM. By applying a few changes to the components, the simulation can be run. More information about the EMTP Network Compatibility can be found here: EMTP Network Compatibility. The general workflow of making sure any model is compatible with HYPERSIM is mentioned on this page: EMTP | Overview.

The model in HYPERSIM is ready to be tested but more information about the changes were made to it from EMTP to make it compatible with HYPERSIM according to the workflow are shown on this page: EMTP | Example Models

Simulation and Results

The picture below shows a closer look of the model in HYPERSIM.

Users need to make sure the CB1 1-phase breaker settings are as shown in the following picture with the timing of 0.004 seconds:

Users can just run the simulation at the time step of 1 us and open the ScopeView Template "EMTP_Compatibility_Introduction.svt". 

The ScopeView template superimposes the results from the HYPERSIM model and reference data from the EMTP model. But when the template is opened for the first time, users need to replace the reference data as the data source. 

Like it is shown in the following picture, just choose the Data Source next to the data from MAT1 and click on Replace.

Note: Usually the data from EMTP is in the .m and .mda format but for this example model, it is represented by the .mat file.

Then, according to the picture below, find the reference data in the example model folder. The Files of type option needs to be set to MATLAB files to show the reference (*.mat) file. The reference data is called "EMTP_Compatibility_Introduction.mat"

After doing so, you can now start the simulation in ScopeView and see the results, make sure Sync and Trig are on in ScopeView:

See Also

EMTP Network Compatibility

EMTP | Overview

EMTP | Example Models

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