Known Issues & Limitations

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Known Issues & Limitations

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Known Issues & Limitations

  • Multi-user sessions are not supported.

  • OPAL-RT Dashboards only works with 64-bits targets (only OPAL-RTLinux 3 or Windows targets, not Red Hat nor CentOS).

  • No undo-redo.

  • No user authentication/session management.

  • Signal values can be visualized in Panels only, not in Tables.

  • Tab Group widgets are not supported by the Python API and the copy-paste. Using more than 10 tabs with multiple widgets may lead to high UI latency.

  • Depending on computer performance and CPU allocation, using more than 16 graph widgets may lead to high UI latency.

RT-LAB 2024.4

  • Boolean data points are not visible in Dashboards.

  • Dashboards does not support block or parameter with accent.


  • HYPERSIM unit system is not available in Dashboards.

  • Equality of multidimensional parameters in HYPERSIM cannot be enforced in Dashboards.

  • Dashboards may hide HYPERSIM pop-up error message.

RT-LAB 2024.3 (Additional limitation)

  • For projects with more than 30k data points, it is recommended to use the Python API to create panels and connect data points.

  • Launching multiple models at the same time may leads to data not appearing in graph widgets if data point share the same name.

HYPERSIM 2024.3 (Additional limitation)

  • For projects with more than 30k data points, it is recommended to use the Python API to create panels and connect data points.

  • If Analyze is done and the project is then closed without being saved at least once, connections between data points of HYPERSIM model with sub-circuits and widgets may be lost.

RT-LAB 2024.2 (Additional limitation)

  • Launching Graph Widgets on multiple Target is not supported.

  • The use of Dashboards in RT-LAB and HYPERSIM at the same time is not supported.

HYPERSIM 2024.2 (Additional limitation)

  • Launching Graph Widgets on multiple Target is not supported.

  • The use of Dashboards in RT-LAB and HYPERSIM at the same time is not supported.

RT-LAB 2024.1 (Additional limitation)

  • Error message “Dashboards seams unavailable” may appears at start of RT-LAB if Dashboards installation is not successful. An independent reinstallation of Dashboard is needed.

  • Launching multiple models at the same time may leads to data not appearing in graph widgets. To solve the issue, start the models sequentially.

HYPERSIM 2024.1 (Additional limitation)

  • Error message “Dashboards seams unavailable” may appears at start of HYPERSIM if Dashboards installation is not successful. An independent reinstallation of Dashboard is needed.

RT-LAB 2023.3 (Additional limitation)

  • Multi-dimensional parameters and signals not supported in Panels;

HYPERSIM 2023.3 (Additional limitation)

  • Multi-dimensional parameters and signals not supported in Panels;

  • Removing a sensor from the HYPERSIM sensors list does not remove it from the Dashboards list. If a connection exists between a widget and a removed sensor, the HYPERSIM simulation will not start until the connection is removed.

  • When a simulation started in Dashboards fails to launch in HYPERSIM, an internal message is shown in Dashboards and the model status can be desynchronized. Use the fetch button to resynchronize.

  • In the graph widget, visual horizontal shifting of value happens when:

    • The trigger condition is set to rising edge, the trigger level is positive and the X position is at 0%.

    • The trigger condition is set to falling edge, the trigger level is negative and the X position is at 0%.

    Setting the X position at any other value stops the horizontal shifting.

RT-LAB 2023.2 (Additional limitation)

  • Renaming Simulink models in RT-LAB may result in synchronization issues in Dashboards.

  • Once Opal One v1.2 is installed (RT-LAB or HYPERSIM 2023.2), reinstalling Opal One v1.0 (RT-LAB or HYPERSIM 2023.1) might break the compatibilities of Opal One v1.2. Reinstall Opal One v1.2 to solve the issue.

HYPERSIM 2023.2 (Additional limitation)

  • Once Opal One v1.2 is installed (RT-LAB or HYPERSIM 2023.2), reinstalling Opal One v1.0 (RT-LAB or HYPERSIM 2023.1) might break the compatibilities of Opal One v1.2. Reinstall Opal One v1.2 to solve the issue.

RT-LAB 2023.1 (Additional limitation)

  • No copy-cut-paste;

HYPERSIM 2023.1 (Additional limitations)

  • No copy-cut-paste;

  • Opening Dashboards for more than one HYPERSIM model may result in synchronization issues;


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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