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Simulink | Prerequisites and Supported Features


Hyperlink is a HYPERSIM module allowing users to import Simulink models via code generation.

Supported Features

  • MATLAB versions from R2015b to R2024a

  • MATLAB Coder license

  • Simulink Coder or Embedded Coder license

  • Multiple instances modelling: ability to use several instances of the same Simulink model

  • Tunable parameters

  • Model confidentiality via compilation

  • Multiple time step code generation (R2015b to R2019b only, Simulink coder only). Embedded coder and model confidentiality are not supported

  • Multiple rates within one model

  • Inline S-functions and MATLAB functions

  • Support of non-inline S-functions (allow users to write custom C code in Simulink models) for Embedded coder targets (R2015b to R2024a) and Simulink coder target (R2015b to R2024a)

  • Integration of Simulink Scopes (to monitor internal variables via HYPERSIM sensors)

  • Only standard Simulink signals can be exchanged with HYPERSIM

  • Simscape components can be imported via voltage and current measurement and injection converting Simscape signals to standard Simulink signals

  • Fixed step solvers: discrete and ode1

  • Fixed step solvers: ode2, ode3, ode4, ode5, ode8 and ode14x are supported if a zero-order hold (with a sample period of a major time step) is inserted before each output of the model

Minimal Prerequisites

  • MATLAB version between R2015b and R2024a

  • The MATLAB license must include:

    • MATLAB coder (to generate C/C++ code on MATLAB, prerequisite for Simulink Coder)

    • Simulink coder (to generated C/C++ code on Simulink)

The Embedded coder license can be used for a better optimization and customization on the generated code improving the performance.

Unsupported Functionalities

  • Simulink model with variable time step: the time step for the solver is always fixed

  • External mode (ability to modify model parameters during the simulation): it’s replaced by tunable parameters in HYPERSIM

  • Data logging

  • S-functions based on .m (S-functions based on C-code are allowed)

  • m-functions (except by using the MATLAB function block)

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323