PLL, 3-ph

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PLL, 3-ph

The PLL, 3-ph component models a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) closed-loop control system, which tracks the frequency and phase of a sinusoidal signal by using an internal frequency oscillator. 

The input signal u is mixed with an internal oscillator signal. The DC component of the mixed signal is extracted with a variable frequency mean value (Phase detector section). A Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller keeps the phase difference to 0 by acting on a controlled oscillator.

The controlled oscillator output corresponds to the output angular velocity signal defined by wt. The PID output is filtered using a low-pass filter (rate limited) and converted to frequency, which is used by the mean value. The filtered signal corresponds to the output frequency signal defined by f.


Mask Parameters

Main tab

NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}
DescriptionUse this field to add all kinds of information about the component
Description = {'string'}
Initial frequency
Initial frequency for the first simulation cycle. This value cannot be modified during the simulationHzFinit = { [0, 1e12] }
Minimum frequencyMinimum expected frequency of the input signal. This value cannot be modified during the simulationHzFmin = { [0, 1e12] }
Initial phaseInitial value of the phase of the output signal for the first simulation cycle. This value cannot be modified during the simulationdeg.InitialPhase = { [0, 360] }

PID Controller tab

NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}
Internal PID controller proportional gain
Kp = { [0, 1e12] }
KiInternal PID controller integral gain
Ki = { [0, 1e12] }
KdInternal PID controller derivative gain
Kd = { [0, 1e12] }
Lower limitLower limit of the PI integral action. This value cannot be modified during the simulation

LowerLimit = { [-1e64, 1e64] }
Upper limitUpper limit of the PI integral action. This value should be greater than the value of the Lower limit parameter. This value cannot be modified during the simulation
UpperLimit = { [-1e64, 1e64] }
Initial condition
Integrator initial condition. This value cannot be modified during the simulation
Integrator_InitialCondition = { [0, 1e12] }
Time constant for derivative action
Time constant for the first-order filter of the derivative action from the internal PID controllersTc_Derivative = { [0, 1e12] }
Duration of initial value
Duration of the initial value of the internal PID controller output signal. This value cannot be modified during the simulationsTinit = { [0, 1e12] }

Second-Order FIlter tab

NameDescriptionUnitVariable = {Possible Values}
Maximum rate of change of frequency
Maximum positive and negative slope of the frequency of the second-order low pass filter input signalHz/sFreq_RateLimiter = { [0, 1e12] }
Filter natural frequency
Internal second-order natural low-passe filter frequencyHzFreqFilter_fn = { [0, 1e12] }
Filter damping ratioSecond-order low-pass filter damping rate. The damping ratio is typically a value between 0 and 1
FreqFilter_zeta = { [0, 1] }

Input/Output Signals

abcVectorized signal that can contain phase-to-ground voltages (Va, Vb and Vc) or phase-to-ground currents (Ia, Ib and Ic)puInput
fMeasured frequency signalHzOutput

Angle signal varying between 0 and 2 * pi, synchronized to the zero-crossing (ascending) of the fundamental of the input signal



Sensor Descriptions



Input signal that may contain the voltage or current of phase A


Input signal that may contain the voltage or current of phase B


Input signal that may contain the voltage or current of phase C



Measured frequency signalHz


Angle signal varying between 0 and 2 * pi, synchronized to the zero-crossing (ascending) of the fundamental of the input signalrad

Internal Circuit of Component


In the PLL, 3-ph component, since the internal Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller has no automatic gain control, the input signal should be in pu and have a value not too distant from one.

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