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PSCAD | Importing a Network
This document shows the steps of importing a PSCAD model into HYPERSIM.
Step 1- Create a new HYPERSIM model
Select New from File tab, then create a HYPERSIM file.
Select the desired folder and choose the file name, then Save it.
Step 2- Import the PSCAD model
The PSCAD import feature can be found in the Network Import tools from the HYPERSIM Ribbon Options .
Select the *.pscx model from PSCAD option and Import it.
The input file should be a .pscx file. It does not need to be located next to the .ecf file.
Only .pscx files generated by PSCAD v4 and v5 can be used to import a model from PSCAD to HYPERSIM. Other PSCAD files such as *.babx or *.psmx are not used.
In case a component from a custom library is used in the model, the library file should be located in the identical folder as the *.pscx file.
The following options are available
Only DLL configurations |