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Step 0: How to Request and Install a License on Localhost

Feature available from HYPERSIM 2023.1.0

See also to request a license on a Target

Step 1: Requesting license

  • Search for "Activate HYPERSIM version_number" and click on Run as administrator:



  • It opens up the HYPERSIM License Activation page.

  • By clicking on the "Request a new license" button, a license request form appears


Fill out the form with all the details as explained below

Company Name

indicate the name of the company for which the license is used

Project Number: (ex: CC-123456)

it’s important to include the project number CC-xxxxxx

Request Type

  • Select "Other" in the request type section for a permanent license.

  • For a temporary demo license, select the option "Demo" in the request type section.

Reason for the request (Features required)

  • For a permanent license, write the activation key provided by OPAL-RT, or the new features you need.

  • For a temporary demo license, write what feature you are looking for.

Click on the "Send" button.

Step 2: localhost license installation

  • On receiving the license delivered by OPAL-RT Support, click on your Windows start button, and search for "Activate HYPERSIM version_number

  • Now, click "Load a license file" and choose the .zip license file sent by OPAL-RT support. 

On the license information page, you can compare your last used license with the new license file you are installing. 

Activate the license and close your activation tool.

Now, you can open your HYPERSIM 2023.1.x+ to continue your project.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323