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Blocks cannot be moved, added or edited

  • Make sure that your design is not in read-only mode: right-click the design (without selecting a component) and choose Properties…

  •  Uncheck Read Only.

  • Click Done.

    Adding or removing Read Only mode
    Adding or removing Read Only mode

Map tasks do not work when using I/O

These are some possible causes:

  • Simulation preference may be set to Offline instead of Real-Time.

  • Another simulation using I/O is already running. RT Monitor can be used to verify whether this is the case.

  • I/O-type and/or I/O-Number do not correspond to the values in the .io I/O configuration file.

  • I/O configuration files are set incorrectly (also in the .io file).

No analog or digital input signal is received in ScopeView

Verify the integrity of the output signals. If the model is stable, they should not be zero.

  • Verify that sensors have been loaded correctly. The Map Tasks output in the terminal window should list all programmed I/O sensors.

  • Verify that the loopback cables have been connected correctly to the back of the simulator.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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