Target Manager

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Target Manager

All targets are configured through the Target Manager configuration pane. Users can manage the target's HYPERSIM version, license, advanced compilation/simulation parameters and various other parameters.

The Target Manager is accessed through the HYPERSIM ribbon.


There are two nodes available by default through the Target Manager interface:

  • Targets

  • Default Code Generation





Name / IP

The IP address of the target


The description of the target is written by the user when adding a new target in HYPERSIM Target Manager.



HyCore and HyServer are running, the target can be used.

It detects the user and the mode. The following information can be seen in the tooltip:

  • user=UserName;


HyCore is running but HyServer is not reachable.

HyCore is not running. The target is unreachable.

Running Version


The target Operating System.


The current HYPERSIM version used by the target.


see https://opal-rt.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCHS/pages/20190803/Target+Manager#Protocol-versions-and-backward-compatibility

License (days)

It indicates how many days remain in the target license before it expires.

Target Manager Interface

Each target listed has a hierarchical tree view menu that reveals all the items listed below:


  • Advanced features Compilation and Task Mapping settings



  • Versions show both a current and historical log of versions installed on this machine

  • Simulation shows both a current and historical log of versions installed on this machine

  • Advanced features Compilation and Task Mapping settings

  • Network shows network configuration settings that are used by ScopeView for local simulations

  • Diagnostic provides a detailed report of the target's current state and is often requested by the support team to help diagnose issues

  • License shows a current and historical log of licensing for this machine

  • Default Code Generation holds settings related to code generation storage paths

Target home page

This menu shows the main information of the target, such as the current HYPERSIM version, the available FPGA...

The target description may also be updated in this menu.

Note: FPGA information should not be requested when a simulation is currently running on target.



Sometimes issues can occur when installing HYPERSIM on a target or starting a simulation that cannot easily be identified by the user. When contacting our Support team about this type of problem, they may need the report generated by the diagnostic.

After the diagnostic has been run, its output can be saved to a text file to be sent for support.

The report ends with a passed/failed summary providing cues for troubleshooting as in the figure above. Scrolling back to the corresponding section will provide more information on the cause of the error and suggestions for solutions.


The diagnostic should not be executed on a target where a simulation is running as it may impact the simulation state, performance or results.


This page handles the HYPERSIM versions on the target.

All interactions with the target are logged in the Log tab.

Local running version

Host HYPERSIM version.

Last Refresh

Date of the last time the status of the target and its information was refreshed.

Note: a warning appears if the target is not running the same version as the host as required.

Install version

Installs the current HYPERSIM host version onto the target, selects it, and restarts the target's services.

If this version is already installed on the target, the current installation is removed and reinstalled.

Restart services

Restart HYPERSIM services on the target (hycore and hyserver).

Refresh list of installed versions

Reloads all target HYPERSIM versions and updates the table.


Provides detailed information on the target for debugging purposes.

For each table entry, a right-click contextual menu gives the following options:

Uninstall this version from the target

Removes all files for this version on the target.

Use this version as a server on a target

Select that version on the target.

Protocol versions and backward compatibility

A protocol version has been introduced in HyCore in 2021.2, to better define the interactions between the host and the target. This version is updated when the target API is changed or when the technologies used for communications change. This feature aims at simplifying the target management when multiple users wish to use the same target in different versions.

HYPERSIM version






Main change

HYPERSIM version






Main change



Initial introduction





HyServer: Start simulation with decimation parameters.

Samba is not used anymore for file transfers to target



Replaced all usage of the target from RMI to gRPC, except target manager



RMI removal



Internal changes during simulation setup on target



An additional method for switching target versions on certain target configurations



HyCore and HyServer services are now launched by systemd on OPAL-RTLinux



HyCore is now able to return the target Serial number to the target manager.

This table explains that a 2022.2 or older HYPERSIM PC version will not be able to communicate with targets where HyCore 2023.1 or higher is running, as RMI technology has been removed, for stability and security reasons. The 2022.1 and 2022.2 versions support both protocols, meaning they can be used to transition from these versions.

To upgrade from 2021.X to 2023, please install 2022.X on host and target, and then install 2023 or higher. Repeat the same step to upgrade to 2024 or higher.

To roll back a target in a given version X to an older version, please use the same version X on the PC target manager. Use the 2022 PC to roll back further if needed.

To restart services or export a license to target in 2024.1, please use the same version on host.


The values set here are default values imported when creating a new model but can be overridden in the Simulation Settings for the current model.

The possible default setting values depend on the target's operating system.


Compilation Default Values

Standard compilation options for C/Python code.

Task Mapping Default Values: These values are used by the task mapping algorithm.

Communication overhead

The portion of the simulation time step granted to communication between processors.

I/O overhead

The portion of the simulation time step granted to communication with I/O interfaces. 

Processor performance

Value used by the task mapping algorithm to estimate the tasks based on the hardware specifications.

The higher the number, the lower the estimate for each task.



This pane manages the target's licenses. For details of the installation process, see: Installing HYPERSIM on a Target from Windows.

All interactions with the target are logged in the Log tab.

Machine ID area

Required when requesting a new license.

Get target information and license file (1)

Contacts target and auto-completes area 5.

Save as ... (2)

Exports machine ID to a .txt file.

Request a new license

Opens the form to send a license request to our support team. Requires an internet connection.

License information

Expiration date, license number, target number (serial number), license path

License properties

Lists all features of the license file.

Select license file

Browse for a new license file.

Install selected license

Compares the selected license to the already installed license if any and allows for installation.


This tab configures the communication interface between Scopeview and the target.

If Scopeview is configured to print data continuously (with Cont checked, as in the image below), it may need to be configured to communicate with the host if many network interfaces are available.

Identifying the IP where data packets are to be transferred is done through this pane.


Uses the default network interface to determine the IP address.

In this mode, Datalogger Live Acquisition and FPGAScope won't work.


Selects the input IP address.

Search in range

Selects the first IP address which can communicate with ScopeView. Once communication is lost, IP is recalculated using that range.

Network interface

Use the selected network interface to automatically determine the IP.

Note that target services will be restarted after applying changes.

Default Code Generation

The unique code directory is enabled by default. The local target code directory (for localhost) is automatically set to the path below:

  • Local code directory:


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