OP8665 Controller Board Description

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OP8665 Controller Board Description

Controller Board Overview

The controller board holds the Texas Instrument DSP module via a 100-pin DIMM interface. It also offers a number of features designed to make using the OP8665 easier and more flexible.

It allows users to scale 0-16V to 0-3.3V. Analog inputs are scaled using the scaling factor Vo = Vi * ( 1 / 4.74 ), as in this example:

  • Vi = 10V (From HIL)
  • 10V * ( 1 / 4.74 ) = 2.1097V at the TI Controller

The controller board is powered by the controller interface (OP8665) via the 12V input power supply. It is connected to the interface board through three (3) 40-pin connectors.

Switches and potentiometers let users inject stimulus, a JTAG interface provides access for programming and debugging. The controller board also provides input protection.

Controller board features

AResolver signal calibration potentiometers (3)
BCAN Jumper, to connect or disconnect the CAN to DSP
CPotentiometers, to select controller supply of either a 0V to 3.3V input
D4 push button switches to drive DSP input
ELEDs displaying DSP output
FBOOT selector jumpers. For OPAL-RT technicians’ use or by engineers familiar with TI controller programming.

JTAG connector for programming or debugging

H36 Jumpers for input/output control resolver signal calibration
IPower LEDs

ResOffset and ResExc labels are inverted in Version 2.x of 126-0505. Make sure to invert connections as necessary. Failure to do so may result in incorrect results obtained when operating the system.

Detailed Features Description

A: Resolver Offset potentiometer

The Controller Board provides a Resolver circuit. The Resolver circuit can be calibrated via two potentiometers and the signals can be probed via test points.

RV3: used to adjust the Resolver SIN and COS signal offsets. The offset voltage can be measured by probing R-TP1.  In general, offset should be adjusted to in-between signal to avoid clipping at the output.

R-TP1: used to adjust 0.5-3.3V (adjustment in RV3 provides 1.5V on R-TP1).

R-TP2: used to probe SIN offset value.  Amplitude measured at R-TP2 should be between 0.1V and 2.3V for correct operation.

R-TP3: used to probe COS offset value.  Amplitude measured at R-TP3 should be between 0.1V and 2.3V for correct operation.

Resolver Offset potentiometer

A: Resolver Excitation calibration potentiometer

RV4: used to adjust the resolver excitation signal’s voltage amplitude.

R-TP4 is used to probe the excitation signal output of the Resolver Circuit.

Signal will saturate around ±5.5V

Resolver Excitation calibration potentiometer

B: CAN jumper settings

Users can add a 120 Ohm resistor simply by placing the CAN jumper in the ON position, as shown.

CAN jumper settings

C: Potentiometer settings

User potentiometers provide 0V to 3.3V output:

  • POT1 is used for ADC_A5
  • POT2 is used for ADC_B5

Potentiometer settings

D: DSP switches

The user switches SW1 to SW4. These switches are Normally Open and pulled-up to 3.3V. Press and hold to obtain 0 V (release to return to 3.3 V).

  • SW1 – GPIO59
  • SW2 – GPIO58
  • SW3 – GPIO61
  • SW4 – GPIO60

DSP switches

E: DSP output display LEDs

Only ON when the voltage is at 0.

  • LED1 -> GPIO62
  • LED2 -> GPIO63

DSP output display LEDs

F: BOOT selector jumpers

Selector Jumpers: these jumpers are reserved for OPAL-RT technicians or engineers who are experienced with Texas Instruments controllers.

Jumper IDSignal

BOOT selector jumpers

G: JTAG connector

Allows the user to debug/flash the TI controller.


JTAG connector

H: Input/output jumpers

Jumpers allow users to insert a short or leave the circuit open, as needed.

Each jumper controls a specific channel, identified at each jumper on the board (see image opposite).

I: Power LEDsGreen when 3.3V power is functioning

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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