Analog sensor faults management

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Analog sensor faults management

The analog sensor circuitry allows detection of Over Curent and Over Temperature faults for each channel individually.

The user is notified of these faults in the ASM Run-Time Panel :

  • Two global LEDs located in the right of the panel indicate if a fault occurred on one of the channel. The Over Current fault is indicated by the Rail Over Current LED, and the Over Temperature fault is indicated by the Thermostat Output LED
  • When a fault is raised, the user must refer to the individual Fault display boxes, which indicate the status of each channel. The fault value can take one of the following values. Note the difference of values depending on the card revision.

    Fault valueFault description
    ASM Revision 1ASM Revision 2
    0No faultNo fault
    1Over currentOver Current and/or Thermal Shutdown
    2Thermal Shutdown
    3Over Current and Thermal Shutdown
  •  Acknowledgement of the fault of the channel is done by activating the corresponding Ack toggle switch in the panel. The fault can only be cleared once the error condition has been corrected. If the error condition is still present, the fault is raised again and the channel is not reactivated.

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