PWM Generators Section

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PWM Generators Section

Use the PWM Generators to generate pulse width modulated signals on the FPGA. These signals can be mapped directly to IO or circuit components like model Gates

Configuration Page

In the System Explorer window configuration tree, expand the Power Electronics Add-On (OPAL-RT Circuit) custom device and select Circuit >> PWM Generators to display this page. Use this page to configure the PWM generators.

For each PWM Generator, the following parameters are available at edit-time. 

PWM Generator Settings



Default Value





Defines the frequency of the carrier signal that is used to generate PWM.

Some error in the signal frequency may exist for frequencies below 1kHz. See PEA-133 in the Known Issues for more information.

Duty Cycle



Fraction of one period for which the PWM signal is active, as a percentage. Changing this value will update the default value of the Duty Cycle channel that corresponds to the selected PWM generator. 

Dead Time



Time during which both the PWM signal and its complementary are held in an inactive state, immediately before the PWM signal goes active.

Phase Shift


0 deg

Phase offset of the generated PWM relative to the other PWMs using the same frequency engine. 



The polarity of the signal. 

  • Active High - Outputs a HIGH voltage when the signal is True and a LOW voltage when the signal is False. 

  • Active Low - Outputs a HIGH voltage when the signal is False and a LOW voltage when the signal is True.

Wave Mode


Defines the location of the signal pulse within the PWM period. 

  • Symmetric - The pulse is centered within the PWM period. 

  • Asymmetric - The rising edge of the pulse is aligned with beginning of the PWM period. 

Update Moment


Defines when the Duty Cycle is updated to a commanded value.

  • Beginning - The PWM duty cycle is updated to a new value at the beginning of the PWM period.

  • Middle - The PWM duty cycle is updated to a new value and the middle of the PWM period.

  • Both - The PWM duty cycle is updated to a new value at the beginning and middle of the PWM period.

PWM Generators Section Channels

In the System Explorer window configuration tree, expand the Power Electronics Add-On (OPAL-RT Circuit) custom device, then Circuit >> PWM Generators to display the following subsections and custom device channels. Assign values to the channels to configure the PWM Generators. The value of an input channel can be modified dynamically at execution time.

PWM Generator X


Channel Name



Default Value



Duty Cycle




Fraction of one period for which the PWM signal is active, as a percentage

PWM Reset


Channel Name



Default Value



PWM Reset



0 (False)

  • False - Normal operation

  • True - Resets all PWMs


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