Install OPAL-RTLinux

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Install OPAL-RTLinux

The installation should not take more than a few minutes at best.

After reboot, the following screen appears.


Login using the following credentials (respect case):

  1. User: install

  2. Password: install

  3. At the prompt, input the command:

  1. The installer will prompt for a password. Input install again

The installer will prompt you to select which disk to install OPAL-RTLinux on.
Choose the internal SSD (Samsung 256 GB to 512 GB) which is identified sda by typing 1” followed by Enter.
Note: In some rare occasions, if other storage devices are plugged in the target, you may have more than one choice. Always choose sda.

The installer program will copy files and install OPAL-RTLinux. It’s a matter of a few minutes.

At the end of the process, the installer will ask to reboot. Type Y (in uppercase) to reboot.

Please remove the OPAL-RTLinux Media Installer USB key before rebooting.

Once the system has finished rebooting, you should see the following screen confirming that OPAL-RTLinux has been successfully installed on the target.

Login by entering the OPAL-RTLinux default login credentials. See the Quick Start Guide accompanying the USB key.

At this point:

  • OPAL-RTLinux has been installed

  • Network parameters have been restored with the same value as in Red Hat Linux

  • Intel Compiler license has been restored

  • RT-LAB and/or HYPERSIM licenses have been restored
    You can proceed to install and test the optional software RT-LAB and/or HYPERSIM on the target

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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