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New RT-LAB Project Wizard

Use File > New> RT-LAB Project to create a new project in the workbench.

Each simulated model has to belong to one project. See Project Explorer for a detailed description of Projects and other related concepts. This dialog explains how to create a new empty project or project that contains a model.

Project nameThe name of the new project. This field creates a new project. A project name must be unique within the current workspace.
Use default locationThe default location where RT-LAB stores your project is in the $workspaceDirectory$ directory. De-select Use default location to specify a location other than the
default. You can type the new location or browse to select a file system location. Before changing the location of a project, please read Organizing resources in the Project Explorer documentation.
Project descriptionA short description to be associated with the new project.

Creating a New (Empty) Project

Once valid parameters have been entered, an empty project can be created by clicking the <Finish> button on the first page of the wizard. Then you can add new or existing models to this project, using respectively the New RT-LAB model wizard or the Add model wizard.

Creating a New Project from a Template

Clicking the <Next> button displays a list of available project templates. Each template illustrates an RT-LAB feature and provides at least one configured model. Other files may be included, such as help files, python scripts, test sequences, C code...

The left part of the dialog is a template explorer.

The right part of the dialog contains the description of the currently selected template.

Templates can also be filtered to quickly find all the templates associated with a particular feature:

Clicking <Finish> generates a new project from the selected template. This project appears in the Project Explorer and will be ready to begin simulation.

Note: Modifying files in the newly created project doesn't affect the template itself. This allows users to make changes (and to create another similar and clean project) if things go wrong.

New RT-LAB Model Wizard

Use File > New> RT-LAB Model to open the dialog that enables you to create a new model in the workbench.

This wizard explains how to create a new empty model or a model that is a copy of one supplied template model.

Model nameName of the new model. This field is required.
Model typeMATLAB/Simulink or EMTP-RT.
Model descriptionDescription the user wants to associate to the model.
ProjectProject that contains the new model. This field is required.
Note that the user has to create a new project if there is no existing one.
Use default locationThe default location where RT-LAB stores your model is in the $projectDirectory$/models/modelName directory. De-select Use default location to specify a location other than the default. You can type the new location or browse to select a file system location.

Creating a New Empty Model

After setting the parameter's values of the new RT-LAB model wizard, the user could create an empty model by clicking on the <Finish> button on the first page of the wizard. An empty model is a diagram with no functional elements as blocks or connection lines.

Creating a New Model Based on One Template Model

After setting the parameters' values of the new RT-LAB model wizard, the user could also create a model based on one template model by clicking on the <Next> button.

The left part of the dialog is a template explorer. The right part of the dialog contains the description of the currently selected template.

Click the <Finish> button to create a new model from the selected template. This model is automatically added to the project specified on the main page.

Note: Modifying the newly created model doesn't affect the template itself.

Import Wizard

When the Import wizard comes up, you must choose what type of import to do. To assist in locating a particular wizard, the text field can be used to show only the wizards that match the entered text.

Archive FileThe file from which to import. Type in the full path or Browse to select the path on the file system.
Filter Types...Dialog to select which file types to import. Use this to restrict the import to only certain file types.
Select AllCheck off all resources for import
Deselect AllUncheck all resources.
FolderThe folder into which the resources are imported. Type the path or Browse to select a path in the Workbench. The folder holding the selected resource.
Overwrite existing resources without warning

Determines whether importing a resource should silently overwrite a resource already existing in the Workbench.

If this option is off, you are prompted before a given resource is overwritten, in which case you can either overwrite the resource, skip it, or cancel the import. 

Existing Project into WorkspaceImports a project into this workspace previously located in this workspace, or that currently exists in another workspace.
Select root directoryRoot directory in the File System to start scanning for projects to import. Type in the full path or Browse to select the path on the file system.
Select archive fileArchive file to scan for projects to import. Type in the full path or Browse to select the archive on the file system.
Select AllCheck all of the projects found for import.
Deselect AllUncheck all projects.
RefreshRescan the selected source for projects to import.
Copy projects into workspaceWhen selected this causes the imported project to be copied into the current workspace.
File SystemIf you choose this option, you will import files from the file system.
DirectoryThe directory from which to import files. Select a previous path from the drop-down combo or Browse
to select the path in the file system.
Filter TypesDialog to select which file types to import. Use this to restrict the import to only certain file types.
Select AllCheck off all files and folders for import.
Deselect AllUncheck all resources.
FolderThe folder into which the resources are imported. Type the path or Browse to select a path in the Workbench. The folder holding the selected resource
Overwrite existing resources without warningDetermines whether importing a resource should silently overwrite a resource that already exists in the Workbench. If this option is off, you will be prompted before a given resource is overwritten, in which case you can either overwrite the resource, skip it, or cancel the import. 
Create a complete folder structureCreate a hierarchy (folder) structure in the Workbench to accommodate the resources being imported, and all parent folders of those resources in the file system.
Create selected folders onlyCreate a hierarchy (folder) structure in the Workbench to accommodate the resources being imported.
PreferencesImport preferences from the local file system.
From preference fileThe file from which to import preferences. Select a previous file from the drop-down combo or Browse to select the file in the file system.
Import AllImport all of the preferences.
Choose specific preferences to importChoose from the preferences contained in the file, like CVS connection preferences or JRE preferences.
Select AllCheck off all files and folders for import.
Deselect AllUncheck all resources.

Add Model Wizard

This wizard explains how to add an existing RT-LAB model to a project. The model is added to the selected destination project inside the Models folder.

The next sections show how to add an existing RT-LAB model to a project.

By default, the Project Explorer view is included in the Edition perspective. To add it to the current perspective, click Window > Show view > Other... > General > Project Explorer.

How to Add an Existing RT-LAB Model

To add an existing model, click on the Add > Existing Model menu item. Right-click a project or its Models folder to open the contextual menu.

This operation has opened the Add Model dialog:

Then you can browse the file system to select any model file you want to add to the selected project.

This project should already be selected in the ‘Project’ field. However, click the ‘Browse...’ button next to it to select another project from the workspace.

If the model file is located outside of the project folder, a linked resource will be created so that the model file can be accessed from the Project Explorer:

Important Notes

  • Once added to a project, a model can be edited like any other model. For that reason, example models provided by RT-LAB should never be added to a project using this wizard: these models must not be modified since they are used as templates when creating new projects. Prefer using the
  • New RT-LAB project wizard or the Existing RT-LAB model import wizard when you want to use an example model.
  • A faster way to add an existing model to a project is to use Drag and Drop. Simply drag a model file from anywhere on your file system and drop it on a Models folder. Hold the <Ctrl> key to make a copy of the model file before adding it to the Models folder.

New Target Wizard

This wizard explains how to create a new target to a local or remote computer. The new target is added to the current list of targets in RT-LAB. This list is available in the Project Explorer view just above the projects.

RT-LAB supports target platforms: Windows, OPAL-RTLinux (x86-based), OPAL-RTLinux (x64-based).

The next sections show how to create a new target and give some details about the properties of a target.

By default, the Project Explorer view is included in the Edition perspective. To add it to the current perspective, click Window > Show view > Other... > General > Project Explorer

Creating a New Target

To create a new target, select the New Target menu item from the menu New of the Targets. Right-click the Targets in the Project Explorer view to open the contextual menu of Targets.

This operation has opened the New RT-LAB Target dialog. Specify the name and the IP address of the target.

Note: Ask your network administrator for the target ip address.

To create a Windows target node on the local computer, press the Filter targets button and select Show the ’localhost’ target.

Press the Ping button to make sure that the target is available and to verify if the target is configured properly with the good software version.

The next figure shows the result of a positive ping.

Press OK button to close the ping result and press Finish button in the New RT-LAB Target dialog to complete the configuration of the target. Now, the target has been created and added to the targets list.

If the ping has not passed, you will receive this message:

Verify the possible causes displayed in the message. Make sure that the IP address of the target is the good one. For more information, see the RT-LAB Installation Guide.

Properties of a target

Each target in the list of targets has its own properties. To consult these properties, right-click the specific target and click the Properties menu item. The Properties view displays the name, the IP address, the operating system and the hardware of the target. The Properties view is added in a tabbed notebook at the rightmost position. See the next figure to know which information is provided by the Properties view.

Detected Targets Wizard

This wizard is used to manage newly detected RT-LAB Targets. Each detected Target can be either added to the workbench or ignored.

Opening this Wizard

This wizard can be opened in three ways:

  • Clicking on a New Target notification. If target notifications are enabled (see Target Detection Preference page), a popup is displayed each time a new target is detected on the network:

Clicking on this notification opens the Detected Targets Wizard.

  • Clicking the New Target icon on the status bar

When new targets are available, an icon is displayed on the Status Bar:

Clicking on this icon will open the Detected Targets Wizard.

  • Performing a Target discovery from the Project Explorer

At any time, even if automatic target detection is disabled, you can start a target detection over the network: right-click on the Targets item of the Project Explorer and select Discover targets:

This enables the target detection for a few seconds and if any new target is detected, the Detected Targets Wizard is opened.

Naming Targets

Each RT-LAB Target of the workbench must have a unique name. This is an alias saved on the Host computer

A Target has also a local name, stored on the target itself and shared with all users. By default, the hostname (defined by the Targets’s Operating System) is used. This local name appears in the Detected Targets Wizard and can be changed later using the Target Editor. It is stored in a text file located at /usr/opalrt/local/targetname.

If the local name is a default one (such as localhost) or if this name already exists in the Workbench, the Detected Targets Wizard automatically generates a unique name such as Target_XXX where XXX are the last 3 digits of the Target’s IP address.

Hidden Targets

If you set the local name of a Target to hidden, this Target is not detected by this wizard anymore so other users will not be notified when this Target is connected to the network. However, this Target still remains accessible and can be added to any workbench by using the New Target wizard.

Ignoring Targets

When pressing Finish, unselected targets will be ignored, at least until RT-LAB is restarted or until a target discovery is performed. Optionally, targets may definitively be ignored by selecting the Permanently ignore unselected targets checkbox.

The list of ignored targets can be seen and edited in the Target Detection preference page.

This preference page also allows limiting the target detection to specific detection ranges.

New Resource Project Wizard

This wizard helps you create a new resource project in the Workbench. This project is a generic project without any specific functionalities, so it should not be used to hold a simulation project (see New RTLAB project wizard for more information).

Project NameThe name of the new project to be created.
LocationThe location in the file system where the project will be created. De-select Use default location to specify a location other than the default. You can type the new location or browse to select a file system location for the new project.
Select Referenced Projects pageIn the Referenced Projects list, you can set project dependencies for the new project. In the list of other projects in the Workbench, you can select one or more projects on which you want the new project to depend. Initially, no projects will be selected.

New Folder Wizard

Enter or select the parent folderThe resource in which the new folder is created. Type or navigate the list to select the resource. The default value is the resource selected when you create a new folder.
Folder nameThe name for the new folder.

The Advanced button reveals or hides a section of the wizard used to create a linked folder. Check the Link to folder in the file system checkbox if you want the new folder to reference a folder in the file system.

Use the field below the checkbox to enter a folder path or the name of a path variable. Use the Browse... button to browse for a folder in the file system. Use the Variables... button if you want to use a path variable to reference a file system folder.

New File Wizard

Enter or select the parent folderThe resource in which the new file is created. Type or browse the list to select the resource. The default value is the resource selected when you invoked the New File wizard.
File nameThe name for the new file, including the file extension.
AdvancedThe Advanced button reveals or hides a section of the wizard used to create a linked file. Check the Link to file in the file system checkbox if you want the new file to reference a file in the file system.
Use the field below the checkbox to enter a file path or the name of a path variable. Use the Browse... button to browse for a file in the file system. Use the Variables... button if you want to use a path variable to reference a file system file.

Existing RT-LAB Model Import Wizard

This wizard explains how to import an existing RT-LAB model to a project. The model is added to the select destination project inside the Models folder.

By default, the Project Explorer view is included in the Edition perspective. To add it to the current perspective, click Window > Show view > Other... > General > Project Explorer.

Importing an Existing RT-LAB Model

To import an existing model, click on the Import… menu item. Right-click the project destination folder to open the contextual menu.

This operation has opened the Import dialog. In this dialog, select the Existing RT-LAB model from the folder RT-LAB. Click Next.

The import existing RT-LAB model step is shown. To quickly import the model, click on the Browse button to find the model's file to add to the project. Verify if the project field is the desired destination folders.

Click the Finish button to import the files to the project folder. Also, it is possible to change the default location by browsing the destination folder. The location is the folder where the model's file will be added.

Import Model Dialog Options

Overwrite existing resources without warningForces the selected files to be imported in the project folder. Files are not imported if they already exist in the RT-LAB project folder. If we check this option, the existing files in the project folders will be overwritten with the new one.
Create complete folder structureCreates the source folder structure to the destination folder of the project. In this example the created destination structure is: models/rtdemo2/RTLAB/build/release/win32/Examples/Basic/rtdemo2/Simulink/rtdemo2.mdl
Create selected folders onlyCreates only the selected folder to the destination folder of the project. In this example, the created destination structure is: models/rtdemo2/rtdemo2.mdl

Export Wizard

When the Export wizard first comes up, choose what type of export to do. To assist in locating a particular wizard, the text field can be used to show only the wizards that match the entered.

Archive FileThis option exports files to an archive file.
Select resources to exportThe project (and resources within) are exported to an archive.
Select Types...Dialog to select which file types to export. Use this to restrict the export to certain file types.
Select AllCheck all resources for export.
Deselect AllUncheck all resources.
Archive File

The path and name of an archive file into which the resources are exported. Type the path, select a previous path from the drop-down list, or Browse to select a path and file name on the file system.

The archive file of the previous export, or <blank>.

Zip fileExport the file in zip format
Tar fileExport the file in tar format
Compress the contents of the fileCompresses the contents (resources selected to be exported) in the archive that is created. 
Overwrite existing file without warningIf the specified archive already exists in the file system, you will be prompted to overwrite the file. If you do not want to be prompted turn this option on.
Create directory structure for filesCreate hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system as it exists in the Workbench.
Create only selected directoriesCreate hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system only for selected folders.
File SystemIf you choose this option, you export files to the file system.
Select resources to exportThe project (and resources within that project) to export to the file system.
Select Types...Dialog to select which file types to export. Use this to restrict the export to only certain file types.
Select AllChecks off all resources
Deselect AllUncheck all resources.
DirectoryThe directory on the file system into which the resources are exported. Type the path, select a previous export path from the drop-down list, or Browse to select a path.
Overwrite existing files without warningDetermines whether exporting a resource should silently overwrite a resource that already exists in the file system. If this option is off, you will be prompted before a given file is overwritten, in which case you can either overwrite the file, skip it, or cancel the export.
Create directory structure for filesCreate hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system as it exists in the Workbench.
Create only selected directoriesCreate hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system only for selected folders.
PreferencesExport preferences to the local file system.
Export AllExport all preferences in this session.
Choose specific preferences to exportSelect preferences from this session to export, like CVS repository preferences.
Select AllSelect all available preferences.
Deselect AllClear all available preferences.
To preference fileA file on the file system to store the preferences. Type the file, select a previous export file from the drop-down list, or Browse to select a file.
Overwrite existing files without warningOverwrite a pre-existing file.

Flash Bitstream Wizard

The Select a bitstream wizard allows flashing an I/O board with any compatible bitstream. This wizard is available from the Target context menu: Execute > Flash bitstream (this menu is not available for Windows Targets).

Follow these steps to flash a board:

  • Select the board type. For example, OP5142 or TestDrive - SP3.
  • Specify corresponding options to identify a particular board if several boards of the same type are present in the Target. For example: specify the slot ID of a TestDrive module.
  • If no option is specified, RT-LAB flashes the first board that it finds.
  • Select the bitstream file to be used. The browse dialog shows only compatible files.

Alternately, you can browse first for any bitstream file. In this case, the board type is detected and automatically selected. Then you can adjust options, such as board ID or slot ID to flash a particular board.

Similarly, the Flash bitstream wizard can be opened by dragging and dropping a bitstream file from the workspace or the file system to any Target of the Project Explorer.

The bitstream file may be located in the workspace, on the local file system or on the Target. If necessary, the selected file is automatically transferred to the Target and is available in the folder /home/ntuser/bitstreams/.

If the Force flash operation is selected, the selected board is flashed even if it is already programmed with the specified bitstream.

Once both board and compatible bitstream have been selected, you can click the OK button to launch the process. During the flash operation, results are shown in the Target Console and a popup dialog is displayed:

Results can be saved to a file by selecting the Log result to a file option.

For certain boards, like OP5110, you have to reboot the Target to put the bitstream change into effect.

In this case, a dialog is displayed:

Connect to Embedded Simulation Wizard

This wizard allows users to connect an existing RT-LAB project to an embedded simulation. The project can then be opened to interact with the embedded simulation. To learn more about embedded simulation in general, see Embedding Simulation.

Embedded simulations are shown as children of RT-LAB targets in the Project Explorer. Targets that run an embedded simulation and projects that are connected to an embedded simulation are identified by having a short description such as [Embedded on targetName] appended to their name:

The next sections show how to connect an existing RT-LAB project to an embedded simulation. By default, the Project Explorer view is included in the Edition Perspective. To add it to the current Perspective, click Window > Show view > Other... > General > Project Explorer

Connecting a Project to an Embedded Simulation

To connect a project to an embedded simulation, right-click on the Running Simulation and select Connect.

This operation has opened the Embedded Simulation dialog.

If the project used to start the simulation exists in the workbench, it should already be selected in the ‘Project’ field.

Otherwise, clicking the ‘Browse...’ button next to it selects another project from the workspace. However, be careful when choosing another project: it must contain an exact copy of the currently embedded model. Trying to connect to an embedded model with a different model may cause the simulation to crash.

The selected project must be closed and must neither be running nor active to enable the reconnection.

See detailed information on project states in Model and project states.

Click Finish to start the reconnection:

Then you can open the project and use it, as usual, to interact with the simulation.

If you close the project, it is automatically disconnected from the embedded simulation. Follow this procedure again to reconnect it.

Load Parameters Wizard

This wizard helps you load the values of a set of parameters and apply them to the model currently selected in the Project Explorer.

Selecting the Parameters File

When you select a valid file, the wizard compares the structural content of the previous model, i.e. the one used to save the file, to the content of the current model. If it detects structural differences, a warning is displayed indicating that models are different and that some parameters may have been added, removed, renamed or moved since the writing of the parameter file. The previous and current model information are also shown at the bottom of the page allowing you to compare the history and revision of each model. 

When no differences are detected or all structural differences are resolved, the last page of this wizard helps you to view, compare and edit the loaded value. 

FilenameFile path and name (including .param extension) where the file is located. Use the dropdown arrow to select a file from the history or the browse button to select a file from the file system.
CommentComment stored with your parameters.
Created byParameter file author.
Created onParameter file creation date.
Previous Model InformationHistory information of the model used to generate and save the parameter file. Useful when you load a file that was generated using a different model. You may compare this information with the current model information.
Current Model InformationHistory information of the current selected model in the Project Explorer in which the parameter values will be loaded. Useful when you load a file that was generated using a different model. You may compare this information with the previous model information.

Solving Structural Differences

RT-LAB allows you to load a file that contains structural differences between the previous model content, when the files were saved, and the current model contents. However, you will have to specify a strategy to adopt to solve conflicts for each removed, renamed or moved parameters. The selection of the strategies is performed using the second page.

The Structural Differences list, at the top of the page, displays all parameters loaded from the file that do not exist in the current running model because they were deleted, renamed or moved since the writing of the parameter file. Depending on the modifications done on the model, you may want to ignore these parameters or find matching parameters in the current model.

At the bottom left of the page, you will see the Previous Parameters list showing all parameters loaded from the file, organized according to the model’s subsystems structure. At the bottom right, you will see the Current Parameters list showing all parameters of the current model, organized according to the model’s subsystems structure. If there is a mapping between a previous and current model’s parameters, it will be highlighted in yellow in each tree. When a parameter is highlighted in both trees, it means that the previously highlighted parameter will be converted to the current highlighted parameter.

When you open the page, all non-existing parameters will have an undesirable status: unresolved or estimated. For each parameter, you will have to accept the estimation, confirm that you want to ignore the parameter or find a new corresponding matching item in the current model. This process is not automatic but RT-LAB will try to find a good estimation for renamed or moved parameters.

Generally, when parameters are deleted from a model, you will ignore them. If they were renamed or moved, they still exist in the current model (with a different path), so you will try to find a corresponding parameter in the current model.

Here are the steps to solve structural differences.

Accepting an estimated parameter

  • Select a parameter from the Structural Differences list that is stated as estimated.
  • If you believe the estimation is correct, click the Accept button or check the box at the beginning of the line to force RT-LAB to accept the estimation. The value loaded from the file will be applied to the matching parameter of the current model.

Finding a new matching parameter

  • Select any parameter from the Structural Differences list.
  • In the Current Parameter list, at the bottom right, browse the tree structure and locate the parameter you want to use.
  • Double click the parameter to map this parameter to the previous parameter.
  • The difference status will be resolved. The value loaded from the file will be applied to the matching parameter of the current model.

Ignoring a parameter

  • Select a parameter from the Structural Differences list.
  • If the parameter’s status is estimated or solved, click the Delete button to remove its estimation. Note that you could also right-click on the highlighted parameter in the Current Parameter list, at the bottom right of the wizard page, to remove its estimation. The matching item will be cleared and the status will become unresolved.
  • Click the Accept button or check the box at the beginning of the line to force RTLAB to ignore the parameter. The value loaded from the file will not be applied to any parameter of the current model.

Restoring parameters

  • Select any parameter from the Structural Differences list.
  • Click the Restore button to restore the default saved status and estimation of the current parameter.
  • The parameter status will be restored to unresolved or estimated.This page also allows you to change the status and estimation of many parameters at the same time by clicking one of the following buttons: accept all, delete all, restore all. The behavior expected is described above.

This page also allows you to filter items shown in the Structural Differences list. By default, only non-existing parameters are shown. However, clicking the show all button at the top right of the page allows you to view all parameters stored in the file, even those with the same unchanged model path.

Unchecking the Show all resolved button will filter all items that are solved.

When all structural differences are solved, click the Next button to view, compare and edit the values loaded from the file.

Viewing, Comparing and Editing Values

The Value Differences list shows the parameter values that will be sent and applied to the model currently selected in the Project Explorer.

The first column shows the path of parameters in the model diagram. The second column shows the current values of these parameters in the current running model. The last column shows the new values that will be set. This list allows you to compare the values and quickly see what will change when the file is loaded. If modifications are required, you can also edit the values of the third column before applying changes.

If desired, this page also allows you to show all parameters loaded from the file that have the same values as the current model parameter values. To perform this, click the Show all button at the top right of the page.

When you are satisfied with the new values, click finish to apply these values to the current model.

Save Parameters Wizard

RT-LAB uses the current running model and saves all current model values in the specified file. This file may be used later to roll back the parameters. This functionality is particularly useful when tuning parameters.

FilenameFile path and name (including the .param extension) where the file will be stored. Use the dropdown arrow to override a file from the history or the browse button to select a file from the file system.
CommentComment stored with your parameters.
Created byFile author.
Created onFile creation date.
Model InformationHistory and revision information of the model that was used to save the parameter file.

License Request Wizard

This wizard is used to request one or several licenses from OPAL-RT.

When opened with the menu Help > Request a License, this wizard starts with the Target Selection page. This page helps you to select the list of targets that requires an update of the license.

When opened with the context menu of a Target or with the License Overview Section of the Target Editor, this wizard directly starts with the Request Form.

Note: Before you can request a license for one or more Targets, RT-LAB must be installed on each Target. The version running on each target must be the same as the host. 

Target Selection

This page displays a list of all your Targets with a brief license-related status. You can select the Targets you want to activate by checking the boxes. Then, after the process is completed, you will receive one license file per Target. Note that when you open this page, the Targets that need a license upgrade are pre-selected:

For each Target to be activated, you need to specify its serial number. If a license is already installed on the Target, the corresponding serial number is used to pre-fill this table.

Note: Targets must be running and must have the current RT-LAB version installed before being activated.

Request Form

This page allows you to enter your contact information. The Target Number may not be required if you have used the previous Target Selection page.

Information Review

Please take a few seconds to verify that the information you have provided is correct, then click on ‘Finish’ to send the request to our support team.

If you have a working Internet connection, you receive a confirmation dialog:

If any problem occurs, the wizard can save the request data to a file that you can send later to our support team:


Build Configurations

The Build configurations dialog allows to set up the build configuration of your model and then start the build process.

To start the build using the Build configuration dialog select Simulation > Build Configurations menu.


The MATLAB version used during the build.


  • This setting is only available when building a Simulink model.
  • This setting is available when Use the same MATLAB version than a model option in MATLAB preference page is unchecked.

Development node

The development node used to compile and link the code into an executable. This development node must use the same platform (operating system) as the model. Note that this setting is not available when building a model for Windows OS.

Build steps

This list displays the list of steps to perform during the build process. 

Separate modelThe model is separated into subsystem(s) as specified in the model. This option is always applied to all models.
Generate codeThe C code is generated for the selected model or subsystem(s).
Clean target directoryThe model directory on the development target node is cleared. All files will be deleted.
Transfer files to targetThe binary code for the selected model or subsystem(s) and the specified extra-files, if any, are transferred to the development node. This option is not available for the Windows platform.
Compile and link generated codeThe generated code is compiled and linked for the selected model or subsystem(s).
Retrieve Files from targetThe binary code for the selected model or subsystem(s) and the specified extra-files, if any, are transferred to the host target. This option is not available for the Windows platform.
Select AllAdd all steps to the build process.
Deselect AllRemove all steps from the build process.
OKApplies changes and starts the build process.
CancelCloses panel without applying changes.

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