File Search

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File Search

This is how to search the Workbench for files:

In the Containing text field, type: it. The Containing text field also displays a list of recently performed searches to select from.
The Case sensitive checkbox can be selected or deselected depending on whether or not a case sensitive search is to be performed. You can also select the Regular expression checkbox to enable more powerful searching capabilities. To see what is available in regular expression mode, press Ctrl-Space while the cursor is over the text field to get content assistance that lists the possibilities. For this example, only check the Case sensitive box to search for the lowercase "it".
The types of files to include in the search can be specified in the File name patterns field. Click Choose... to open the Select Types dialog. This dialog provides a quick way to select from a list of registered extensions.
For the moment, the search is confined to .txt files. Ensure *.txt is checked and click OK.
In the Scope field, specify the files and folders to include in the search. The choices are Workspace; the currently selected resources in the Workbench; or Working set, which is a named, customized group of files and folders. Leave Workspace, as the scope.
Click Search. At this point, the Search view is made visible, and it will begin to display the results of the search. The stop button in the Search view can be clicked to cancel the search while it is in progress. The results of the search are displayed in the Search View.

Search View

RT-LAB Search

To show the tab click Search > RT-LAB Search. The results of this search are displayed in the Search View.

Containing textIn this field, type the expression for which you wish to search, using the wildcard characters listed below the field. This field is initialized based on the current selection.
Depending on what is searched, the search string should describe the element:

The object name

  • Signal1
  • Error
  • rtdemo

the object path

  • rtdemo2/sm_controller/Actuator response time/DelayTime
  • rtdemo2/sm_controller/Sum3/port1
  • rtdemo2/sm_controller/Integrator1/InitialCondition

the object alias


  • sensor
  • humidity
  • level

the unit of a signal or a parameter

  • km
  • L

the object description

  • Project X
  • motor
  • machine
Any Element

Any element between name, path, alias, unit and description From the drop-down menu, you can choose to repeat (or modify) a recent search.

Select the Case sensitive field to force a case aware search. Case sensitive is enabled when a custom search string is entered. Select Regular Expression to use the text search patterns for string matching.


The available wildcards for search expressions are displayed in the search dialog:

  •  "*" matches any set of characters, including the empty string
  • "?" matches for any character
  • "\" is the escape for a literal; if you want to search for an asterisk, question mark, or backslash character, type a backslash before it to indicate that you are not using these characters as wildcards (e.g., "\*", "\?", or "\\")
Search In

Select where in the scope to search for results:

  • Name
  • Alias
  • Path
  • Unit
  • Description
  • Any Element
Limit To

Select to limit your search results to one of the following kinds of matches:

  • Projects
  • Models
  • SubSystems
  • Blocks
  • Parameters
  • Signals
  • Alias
  • Variables
  • All occurrences

Select to limit your search results to one of the following scopes:

  • Workspace: all projects in the workspace included in this search
  • Selected resources: only the type hierarchy of the selected element included in this search
  • Enclosing Projects: the projects enclosing currently selected elements
  • Working Set: only resources that belong to the chosen working set included in this search


Use the Window > Preferences dialog pages to set how you want RT-LAB to operate.

You can browse the Preferences dialog pages by looking through all the titles in the left pane or search a smaller set of titles by using the filter field at the top of the left pane. The results returned by the filter will match both Preference page titles and keywords such as "source" and "real-time".

However, to find specific functions you may have to search the online help instead.

The arrow controls in the upper-right of the right pane enable you to navigate through previously viewed pages. To return to a page after viewing several pages, click the drop-down arrow to display a list of your recently viewed preference pages.

The preferences dialog displaying the General preferences and RT-LAB preferences:

Preference pages contributed by plug-ins are included in this dialog.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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