OpAsync 429 Recv

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OpAsync 429 Recv




This block is part of the ARINC 429 library and is based on the Asynchronous Process architecture. It is associated with a single OpAsync 429 Ctrl block through the use of the Controller ID parameter.

The OpAsync 429 Recv block has two purposes:

  • allow the user to define the configuration of a specific receive operation associated with a reception channel
  • receive ARINC on a selected channel


ControllerIDSee OpAsync429 Controller documentation.
Receive IDEach OpAsync 429 Recv block is assigned a unique Send ID to be distinguished among multiple receive blocks.
Sub-device numberOne ARINC 429 board can contain more than one independent ARINC 429 capable device. This parameter specifies which sub-device is to be used by the current block. The availability of the sub-devices depends on the ARINC 429 board model that is used.
ChannelNumberThis parameter corresponds to the number of the channel that is to be used on the selected sub-device. It is important to note that, on a given sub-device, the reception channels must precede the transmission channels and that no channels may be used in both transmission and reception modes. This value ranges from 1 to 8.
Receive SpeedTwo transmission speeds(12.5k bps and 100k bps) can be selected with this parameter.
Sort Type

The received messages can be ordered given two types of sorting keys:

  • Sort by Label: the receiver only distinguishes a message with Label
  • Sort by SDI: the receiver distinguishes a message with label/SDI combination. Note that the A429-PCI2-16 board operates only in this mode
Operation ModeAllows selection of the Legacy or Advanced operation mode. The following table describes each mode:

The data section of the ARINC word is provided on the Data output.The complete 32 bits ARINC words are provided on the Data output.
The block may be vectorized to receive many ARINC words per step.The block may be vectorized to receive many ARINC words per step.

Disableparity check: This parameter is available only if the mode 'Sort by SDI' is selected. If checked, there is no control of the parity of the received words.

If not checked, the parity of the received words is controlled :

  • If the reception mode is by interrupt, words with parity error are not stored, and only odd parity words are received.
  • If the reception mode is by polling, all words are stored. Words with parity error are stored with an error status (currently not accessible).


Timeout: Currently unused.


ErrorCurrently unused.
StatusReturns2 when the Data output has been updated.
DataReturns the data received on the selected channel. This output can be vectorized to handle several messages. In Legacy mode, only the 19 bits data field of the ARINC word are provided. In Advanced mode, and the complete ARINC words are returned. Also, note that the data output will be updated only when enough messages have been received to fill it. For instance, if the output width is set to 6, then the application will accumulate 6 messages before updating the Data and Status outputs.

Characteristics and Limitations

Direct FeedthroughYes
Discrete sample timeYes
XHP supportNo
Work offlineNo

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