RS232 OpSerialAsyncController

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RS232 OpSerialAsyncController




The OpSerial_AsyncCtrl block defines the asynchronous serial communication parameters.


Controller IDSpecifies the controller ID that will be associated with each OpAsyncSend andOpAsyncRecv blocks.
Comm Port Name

Specifies which serial port of the target computer you want to communicate(for instance 'ttyS1' for '/dev/ttyS1' on RedHawk systems and 'ttyCTI0' for /dev/ttyCTI0 for blue storm serial cards).

To verify which serial devices are available on a RedHawk system, check the dmesg output for the ttyS# serial devices, by issuing the following command:

# dmesg | grep tty

Baud RateThis Popup menu specifies the speed of transmission (data rate in bits per second).
ParityThis Pop-up menu specifies which parity is used. Parity is a method of detecting errors in transmission. A parity bit is a bit that is added to ensure that the number of bits with the value one in a set of bits is even or odd.
Data SizeThis Pop-up menu defines the number of data bits in a frame. The number of data bits in each character can be 5 (for Baudot code), 6 (rarely used), 7 (for true ASCII), or 8 (for any kind of data, as this matches the size of a byte). 8 data bits are almost universally used in newer applications. 5 or 7 bits generally only make sense with older equipment such as teleprinters.
Stop bit(s)This Popup menu defines the number of stop bits in a frame. Stop bits sent at the end of every character allow the receiving signal hardware to detect the end of a character and to resynchronize with the character stream.
Flow ControlThis Popup menu defines the flow control protocol. The flow control is the process of managing the rate of data transmission between two nodes to prevent a fast sender from outrunning a slow receiver. It provides a mechanism for the receiver to control the transmission speed so that the receiving node is not overwhelmed with data from the transmitting node. Flow control can be done either by control signal lines in a data communication interface (Hardware flow control - Request To Send / Clear To Send) or by reserving in-band control characters to signal flow start and stop (Software flow control XON/XOFF).
Name of the executableName of asynchronous application that handles the low-level communication transactions. Note: the controller must be able to find the executable. The program must be in the simulation's directory or in the system's path.


This block has no inputs.


This block has no outputs.

Characteristics and Limitations


Direct FeedthroughNo
Discrete sample timeNo
XHP supportNo
Work offlineNo

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