Target Editor

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Target Editor

Page Content

RT-LAB provides a simple form-based multiple page target editor that manages all target properties. To open a user-friendly target editor into the current perspective, double-click your target in the Project Explorer.

Target properties are also available in the Properties View when selecting a target.

These properties are organized by categories. Categories are shown on different pages of the target editor. One or more categories can be displayed on the same page when related.

Target Overview Page

The Overview page contains two main sections that define important target properties and allow common actions:

  • General Information

  • Operations

General Information Section

Name is the name of the target. When you modify this name, you have the option to share this name with other users:

If you answer Yes, the name is saved on the target itself and other users see it when this target is detected by their RT-LAB workstation. 

IP address is the IP address mapped to this target. If you modify this field, you will be proposed to either change the actual IP address of the target computer or map the target definition to another IP address:

State is the current state of the target (Up or Down).

Operations Section

Most of these operations are not available for Windows targets.

This section provides shortcuts relative to the manipulation of the edited target. These operations are also available from the Target context menu of the Project Explorer.


Shuts down the target. 


Reboots the target. A dialog is displayed first to select the Operating System to be started.

Python script

Opens a dialog to select a Python script. This script may be located in the workspace, on the local file system or on the target.

The selected script is then executed on the target and output will be displayed in the Target Console:

Flash bitstream

Opens the Flash bitstream wizard dialog.


Opens a simple dialog to enter a command. This command is then executed on the target and results are displayed in the Target Console.

Clean shared memory

Cleans the shared memory on the target.

Clean core dumps

Deletes the core dumps on the target.

Diagnostic Page

These properties show the main characteristics of the target. They are also available in the Properties View when the target is selected in the Project Explorer.

Tools Section

I/O boards information

Displays information about OPAL-RT boards in the Target Console.

Complete diagnostic

Displays advanced hardware and software configuration in the Target Console.

Telnet terminal

Opens the Terminal View to open a Telnet connection to the target.

Simulation Settings Page

These properties are not available for Windows targets.

Utilities Section

Multimodel support

Allows several models to run on the target at the same time.

Remove embedded mode

Removes any embedded simulation (see Embedding Simulation) from the target.
If a project is currently connected to this simulation, the model will be reset first. If not, a dialog is displayed to optionally reboot the target.


The current date and time of the target.

Sync. with host

Sync the current date and time of the target to the host computer.

Software Page

RT-LAB Section

Install current version

Automatically installs (or re-installs) the current version of RT-LAB on this target. The log is displayed in the Target Console and optionally in an editor.

Install custom package

Opens a dialog to select a package from the file system. Packages are .rpm files for OPAL-RTLinux (x86-based). The package is then transferred to the target and installed.

Set as default

The selected version will be marked as default. Be careful when you select an old version (e.g. 8.1.x when running 10.x) since you may lose the connection with the target.
In this case, a confirmation dialog is displayed:


Completely removes the selected version from the target and displays the log in the Target Console. If this version was the default one, the most recent version (i.e. the one with the highest version number) will automatically be selected as default.

License Overview


Short description of license.

License Number

Unique ID for the license.

End of customer support date

The date when your current support contract ends. Our support and software update agreements usually have a minimum of a 12-month term.
A contract must be renewed for our customers to continue to receive the services and the benefits of our support team.
Contact your sales representative to proceed with the renewal process.

Expiration date

If the license has an expiration date (e.g. demo licenses), it becomes invalid on this date, preventing you from running simulations on this target. This expiration date replaces the End of customer support date in the overview section.

License Activation Section

This section helps you request or install a license file for this target.


Opens the License Request Wizard.


Allows you to select a license file (with the .bin extension) on your file system and to upload it to the target. In case the license file is invalid, RT-LAB will restore the current license.


Restore the previous license file used on this target (if available). This makes it easy to test new features by installing a temporary upgraded license and then going back to the normal license.

License Features Section

This section describes all the features provided by the current license.

If you are interested in a feature currently disabled, feel free to request a demo license from our support team.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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