A664p7 Common Error Codes
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A664p7 Common Error Codes
Error value | Error name | Description |
0 | A664_API_OK | Success |
-1 | A664_API_ERROR | Generic error |
-2 | A664_API_ERROR_NULL_POINTER | Pointer is NULL |
-3 | A664_API_ERROR_PARAM_INVALID | Parameter is invalid |
-4 | A664_API_ERROR_VALUE_INVALID | Value is invalid |
-5 | A664_API_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Function is not implemented |
-6 | A664_API_DRIVER_ERROR | General operating system driver error |
-7 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_CHECKSUM | Checksum is invalid |
-8 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG_TX | Tx configuration invalid |
-9 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG_RX | Rx configuration invalid |
-10 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG_SNIC | sNIC configuration invalid |
-11 | A664_API_ERROR_TIMEOUT_CONFIG_TX | Tx configuration timeout |
-12 | A664_API_ERROR_TIMEOUT_CONFIG_RX | Rx configuration timeout |
-13 | A664_API_ERROR_TIMEOUT_CONFIG_SNIC | sNIC configuration timeout |
-14 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_PORT_TYPE | Invalid port type |
-15 | A664_API_ERROR_PORT_NOT_FOUND | Port ID not found |
-16 | A664_API_QUEUE_UNDERFLOW | Queue underflow |
-17 | A664_API_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH | Line exceeds maximum length |
-18 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG | Configuration invalid |
-19 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | Invalid handle |
-20 | A664_API_ERROR_ES_NOT_FOUND | ES not found |
-21 | A664_API_ERROR_QUEUE_HEADER_INVALID | Queue header invalid |
-22 | A664_API_ERROR_UPDATE_HARDWARE | Firmware needs to be updated |
-23 | A664_API_ERROR_TIMEOUT_RESET | sNIC configuration Timeout |
-24 | A664_API_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE | Invalid device ID detected |
-25 | A664_API_ERROR_NOT_FOUND | General not found error |
-26 | A664_API_ERROR_SFP_COMM | SFP communication error |
-27 | A664_API_ERROR_RAM | RAM error |
-28 | A664_API_ERROR_BUFFER_OUTSIDE_RANGE | Buffer outside of memory range error |
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