OP5142EX1 Resolver In

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OP5142EX1 Resolver In




The OP5142EX1 Resolver In is based on the basic resolver which is a two-pole resolver. The Resolver In block is used to retrieve the angle and speed from the resolved signals.


Controller NameBind this block to an OpCtrl OP5142EX1 block by entering the same Controller Name as specified in the OpCtrl OP5142EX1 block. The OpCtrl OP5142EX1 block controls the initialization of the settings of one specific OP5142 card in the system.
DataOut port numberEnter the index of the DataOut port to be controlled by this block, in the range [1:32].
Slot infoThis non-editable parameter displays the physical location of the analog input channels related to the selected DataOut port, as obtained from the parsing of the configuration file.
Calibration ModeWhen this checkbox is selected, the mask parameters used in the Resolver In block are available as block inputs. This mode allows the tuning of parameters during execution.
Damping factor (Ksi)This parameter specifies the filter's damping factor.
Natural Frequency (w0)This parameter specifies the filter's natural frequency. The unit is Hertz (Hz).
Use internal carrier for demodulationWhen selected, the Resolver In block generates its own carrier for demodulation.
Internal Carrier DelayThis parameter is the delay for the application of the internal carrier with the resolved signals (sine and cosine). It should be between 0 and 20e-6. This input is expressed in seconds
Internal Carrier FrequencyThis parameter specifies the carrier frequency. It should be between 0.01 and 90000 Hz.
Internal Carrier AmplitudeThis parameter specifies the amplitude of the carrier that will be outputted by the Resolver In block. It should be between 0 and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Internal Carrier OffsetThis parameter specifies the offset of the carrier that will be outputted by the Resolver In block. It should be between -16 V and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
External Carrier AmplitudeThis parameter specifies the amplitude of the carrier expected by the Resolver In block. It should be between 0 and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
External Carrier OffsetThis parameter specifies the offset of the carrier expected by the Resolver In block. It should be between -16 V and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Sine Amplitude (V)This parameter specifies the amplitude of the resolved sine signal. It should be between 0 and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Sine OffsetThis parameter specifies the offset of the resolved sine signal. It should be between -16 V and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Cosine AmplitudeThis parameter specifies the amplitude of the resolved cosine signal. It should be between 0 and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Cosine OffsetThis parameter specifies the offset of the resolved cosine signal. It should be between -16 V and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.


When Calibration Mode is selected, the Resolver In block displays the following inputs:

KsiThis input specifies the filter's damping factor.
w0This input specifies the filter's natural frequency. The unit is Hertz (Hz).
Sine AmpThis input specifies the amplitude of the resolved sine signal. It should be between 0 and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Sine OffThis input specifies the offset of the resolved sine signal. It should be between -16 V and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Cos AmpThis input specifies the amplitude of the resolved cosine signal. It should be between 0 and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Cos OffThis input specifies the offset of the resolved cosine signal. It should be between -16 V and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Carrier AmpThis input specifies the amplitude of the carrier that will be outputted by the Resolver In block. It should be between 0 and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Carrier OffThis input specifies the offset of the carrier that will be outputted by the Resolver In block. It should be between -16 V and 16 V. The resolution is 1 mV.
Carrier FreqThis input is displayed when the Resolver In block uses an internal carrier. It represents the carrier's frequency and it should be between 0.01 and 90000 Hz.
Carrier DelThis input is displayed when the Resolver In block uses an internal carrier. It is the delay for the application of the internal carrier with the resolved signals (sine and cosine). It should be between 0 and 20e-6. This input is expressed in seconds.
