Ansys file generation (JSON v2)

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Ansys file generation (JSON v2)

To generate a JSON file from Ansys Maxwell, that can be converted using the PMSM SH File Converter Executable to fit in the Schematic Editor, follow the procedure :

The script used in the presentation is available here : write_ECE_to_json1.5.py

Phase Sequence

The presentation above specifies on Page 8, that the Windings Phase Sequence should be Phase A, Phase B and Phase C during the Current Sweep. However, the intermediate files which Ansys generates, that are used by the Python script, depend on the Windings Phase Sequence in the Finite Element Model, which should also be ensured to follow Phase A, Phase B and Phase C sequence. If the Finite Element Model and Current Sweep follow different Phase Sequence, the imported data in Schematic Editor will be incorrect.

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