PMSM SH File Converter Executable

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PMSM SH File Converter Executable

The PMSM SH File Converter Executable provided by FPGA-based Power Electronics Toolbox converts

  • ANSYS Json format (v2)
  • ANSYS txt format (v1 Legacy)
  • JMAG (.rtt)

files containing PMSM SH electrical parameters into a format which is supported in the Schematic Editor.

Where is the executable ?

The executable is part of eFPGASIM product installation in the following folder :

<Your OPAL-RT installation directory>\EFPGASIM\v2.x.y.z\Common\bin\FileConverter\PMSM_SH_File_Converter.exe

Notes :

  • This executable exists in the version 2.2 and higher of eFPGASIM.
  • In "v2.x.y.z", x and y will be replaced on your computer with the actual build version numbers of your own version of eFPGASIM.

How to use the executable ?

Simply double click on the executable to use it.

You will need to have the Matlab2016b Runtime installed on your computer to run this executable. You can refer to the readme.txt in the same folder to find more detailed instructions.

How to convert a file ?

  • Choose a file to convert in the Source File field. ANSYS and JMAG files are supported.
  • If you want to specify an output location, you can specify it in the Destination Folder field. If none is specified, the source input folder will be used by default.
  • Press the CONVERT button to begin the conversion. Logs relative to the conversion are printed in the lowest panel.

In the output directory, you'll find the generated file with the pmsmsh extension: <your-file-name>.pmsmsh.

Where to use the generated file ?

The generated file can be imported in the Motor configuration field of the PMSM Spatial Harmonics in the Schematic Editor.

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