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BERTA Alert Button
The Alert button provides access to two graphic panels and two data panels.
Settings Tab
The Settings tab opens a panel with five sections allowing the user to adjust all the parameters based on the site and sensors.
These parameters can be saved to a file and automatically assigned to the next simulation.
Once the changes are complete, click the File menu and select either Save (to update the previous configuration with the new parameters) or Save as... (to create a new configuration parameters file).
Refer to the Command Panel Toolbar in the General Introduction chapter for details on how to change the parameters.
Grid Connection
Kvoltage (p.u./V) | Conversion gain in p.u. of the signal from the AD converter. This value is the inverse of the V/p.u. relation for voltage signals. |
Kcurrent (p.u./V) | The inverse of the V/p.u. relation for current signals. |
AC Generator Parameters
H Cst | H damping constant in megajoules per MVA, preset value is 3.6364 |
Ra stator (p.u.) | Stator resistance in p.u., the preset value is 5 Xq: (p.u.) Xq impedance, the preset value is 0.474 |
Computing Period for Mean Values (seconds)
P & S Values | Mean servomotor power and position values, the preset value is 5 |
Speed Value | Mean rotation speed, the preset value is 2 |
Filtering Time Constant
Filtering Time Cst | Filters all signals, preset value is 0.02 |
Other Connections
Gain Servo | Servomotors setting, the preset value is 0.02 |
Offset Servo | Default value is 0.2 |
Gain Input AD12 | Default value is 1 |
Gain Input AD13 | Default value is 1 |
Graphics 1 Tab
All graphic panels are identical. Only the signals displayed are different in each panel.
- Top monitor displays Vab and Vbc (A and B voltages)
- Bottom monitor displays Ia and Ib (phase A currents)
Graphics 2 Tab
Top monitor displays Main servo and Mean servo (position of servomotors and mean position of servomotors).
Bottom monitor displays Pelec and Pmec (electrical power and mechanical power).
Calibration Tab
This tab opens the Calibration panel. The BERTA signals have been factory calibrated to ensure their accuracy and reliability and should not require any adjustments.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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