OP1400 PHIL Test Bench Series SAT

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OP1400 PHIL Test Bench Series SAT

OPAL-RT recommends to run through the following procedure after completing the installation of the test bench to ensure proper functioning of all modules.

Validating the Electrical Wiring Inside the Cabinet

Ground Connections

The following checks should be made:

  • Visually inspect ground connections of all the modules. Particular attention should be given to the ground connections of OP8110 amplifiers as they are installed on site (see image below).

  • Validate by hand that all ground connections are properly tightened.

  • Do a continuity measurement (with a multimeter) between the test bench chassis (any bare metal part of a module or the cabinet) and the building ground (for example, ground pin of an electrical supply outlet). Measured resistance should be less than 1 Ohm.

Location of ground connections for OP8110

DC Supplies Power Connections

For each DC power supply, validate that:

  • DC output cables are properly installed (black wire on left, red wire on right)

  • AC input cables are properly installed (black, brown and grey wires present, green/yellow wire on rightmost side)

  • All wires are properly tightened (check by hand)

  • If 3 DC Power supplies are present, validate that line wires are interleaved such as in the image below (actual wire colors may vary from image!).

Interleaving of line wires when 3 DC Power supplies are present

OP8110 Amplifier Connections

Optical Synchronization cables

Test benches with more than one OP8110 unit require optical synchronization cables. Test bench with only one OP8110 don't have optical synchronization cables. If the test bench has more than one OP8110 unit inside it, validate that the optical synchronization cables are present and are installed the following way:

OP14x0-30 modelsOP14x0-60 models

Auxiliary supply

Visually check that every amplifier group has its auxiliary supply cable inserted (see image below). Verify by hand that the connectors are properly tightened.

OP8110-3 Auxiliary supply connection

OP8110-6 Auxiliary supply connections

High voltage DC supply

Validate that the DC inputs of each amplifier group are connected and that polarity is respected (red on the left, black on the right), refer to table below. Also, for OP14x0-30 and OP14x0-60 models, validate that the labels on the DC cables match with the intended numbering scheme:

OP14x0-10 models

OP14x0-20 models

OP14x0-30 models

OP14x0-60 models

Signal and Control Harnesses

Signal and control harnesses are installed and secured at the OPAL-RT factory before shipping and should not require any manipulation by the user. However, it is recommended to visually inspect the inside of the test bench to ensure that there are no free-hanging harness connectors. If there happens to be some, please contact your local OPAL-RT representative so we can assist you in correctly reconnecting them appropriately.

Validating the Control Equipment

Please refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual if unexpected results are obtained.

Supplying the Control Equipment

The OP1400 test benches are assembled with 120Vac (North America) or 220Vac (Europe) power bars which supply the various control equipment in the test bench.

The power bars are located on the rear side of the cabinet, behind the rear door. Ensure that each power bar is plugged in a proper electrical outlet. Turn the power switch to the ON (I) position and validate that the light on the power bar turns on.

Validating the OP1490s

There are various models of the OP1490, please refer to OP1490 Auxiliary Supplies and Safety to determine which models are present on your product.

OP1490 model

Functionalities to be validated


Emergency Stop and Start/Stop circuitry:

  • Activate the emergency stop (press on Emergency Stop button). Validate that:

    • +24V_E-STOP light is off

    • Start/Stop center light does not turn on when pressing on Start button

  • Release the emergency stop (clockwise rotation of the Emergency Stop button). Validate that:

    • +24V_E-STOP light is permanently lit

    • Start/Stop center light turns on when pressing on Start button

    • Start/Stop center light turns back off when pressing on Stop button

Auxiliary supply:

  • +12V PS_AUX1 light is permanently lit


Emergency Stop and Start/Stop circuitry:

  • Activate the emergency stop (press on Emergency Stop button). Validate that:

    • +24V_E-STOP light is off

    • Start/Stop center light does not turn on when pressing on Start button

  • Release the emergency stop (clockwise rotation of the Emergency Stop button). Validate that:

    • +24V_E-STOP light is permanently lit

    • Start/Stop center light turns on when pressing on Start button

    • Start/Stop center light turns back off when pressing on Stop button

Auxiliary supplies:

  • +12V PS_AUX1 light is permanently lit

  • +12V PS_AUX2 light is permanently lit


Emergency Stop and Start/Stop circuitry:

  • Activate the emergency stop (press on Emergency Stop button). Validate that:

    • +24V_E-STOP light is off

    • Start/Stop center light does not turn on when pressing on Start button

  • Release the emergency stop (clockwise rotation of the Emergency Stop button). Validate that:

    • +24V_E-STOP light is permanently lit

    • Start/Stop center light turns on when pressing on Start button

    • Start/Stop center light turns back off when pressing on Stop button

Auxiliary supplies:

  • +12V PS_AUX1 light is permanently lit

  • +12V PS_AUX2 light is permanently lit

  • +12V PS_AUX3 light is permanently lit


Auxiliary supplies:

  • +12V PS_AUX1" light is permanently lit

  • +12V PS_AUX2" light is permanently lit

  • +12V PS_AUX3" light is permanently lit

For every OP1490 unit, ensure the rear power button (near the AC inlet on the rear side of the OP1490 unit, inside the cabinet) is in ON (I) position.

Then, validate the following:

Validating the OP1460/OP1480

OP1460 are only present on OP1420 models whilst OP1480 are only present on OP1400 models.

Ensure the +24V_E-STOP light is lit on the OP1490 unit, release the Emergency Stop (clockwise rotation of the button) if necessary. 

Execute the following steps to validate the functionality of the OP1460/80:

  • Validate that the 24V ON light is permanently lit on the OP1460/80 unit

  • For OP1460 only: ensure that the DER Control button on the front panel is set to "Local" mode

  • Validate that, for DER 1, the Start/Stop center light turns (and remains) ON when pressing the Start button and turns back OFF when pressing the Stop button

  • Validate that, for DER 2, the Start/Stop center light turns (and remains) ON when pressing the Start button and turns back OFF when pressing the Stop button

  • Validate that, for DER 3, the Start/Stop center light turns (and remains) ON when pressing the Start button and turns back OFF when pressing the Stop button

Functionality of the OP1460/80's power circuits will be validated further in this document. 

Validating the OP1470

OP1470 are only present on OP1420 models (not on OP1400 models).

Functionality of the measuring circuits of the meters will be validated further in this document. Ensure the rear power button (near the AC inlet on the rear side of the OP1470 unit, inside the cabinet) is in ON (I) position. Then validate that the displays on all four (4) power meters turn ON.

Validating the OP1450

OP1450 are only present as an option on OP1400-60 models. 

Functionality of this box will be validated with a continuity test between the line-in and line-out for each phase including the neutral and for both groups of inputs, according to the electrical schematic.

Validating the OP8110s

With the OP1490s still powered on, verify that every OP8110 unit is properly supplied by pressing the ON/OFF button and validating that the button turns to green.

Functionality of the OP8110s' power circuits will be validated further in this document.

Validating Other Control Equipment (Simulators, etc.)

For the remaining control equipment, please refer to the specific user manuals for these items in the Hardware Products Documentation.

Validating the High Voltage Circuits

Details on how to prepare and operate the OP14xx test benches are given in the Operation section of this user manual.

Please refer to the Troubleshooting section of this manual if unexpected results are obtained.

Hazardous voltage levels will be present inside the cabinet during execution of these tests. Ensure all safety guidelines described in OP14xx Important Safety Information - Manipulation of the test setup are followed. Failure to do so could expose the user to risks of electric shocks.

Material Requirements

The following material must be provided in order to validate the high voltage circuitry of the OP14xx test bench:

  • A three-phase resistive load (ideally 100 Ohms or less in star connection or 200 Ohms or less in delta connection)

  • A basic multimeter

OP1400 Test Benches

On OP1400 test benches, the user should ensure that:

  • All phase outputs of OP8110 amplifiers produce a voltage waveform when operated

  • All DER outputs OP1480 can be locally operated with the Start/Stop buttons

Hence, the following test procedure is proposed:

  1. Connect the first OP8110 group (phases 1, 2 and 3) to the DER1 inputs of the OP1480 (on the rear panel, inside the cabinet), using three-phase 120Vac topology.

See "Banana connections" at  OP14xx Commissioning Simulink Model for different types of potential load connection. If connections need to be made on the rear of the OP8110, make sure to remove all power before doing such connections:

Hazardous voltage levels will be present inside the cabinet during execution of these tests. Ensure all safety guidelines described in OP14xx Important Safety Information - Manipulation of the test setup are followed. Failure to do so could expose the user to risks of electric shocks.

  1. Connect the resistive load to the DER1 output of the OP1480 (on the front panel)

  2. Configure the OP8110 to output three-phase 60 Hz 120 Vrms (line to neutral) on the corresponding phases: refer to OP1400 PHIL Test Bench Series Operation  procedure.

  3. Ensure DER1 output on the front panel is OFF and that the disconnect switch is ON

  4. Validate that the three line-to-neutral voltages are approximately 0 V using the multimeter

  5. Switch the DER1 output to ON using the "Start" button

  6. Validate that the three line-to-neutral voltages are approximately 120 Vrms using the multimeter

  7. Switch the DER1 output to OFF and stop the OP8110 outputs

  8. Repeat steps 1 to 8 but using DER2 and then DER3 of the OP1480

  9. Repeat steps 1 to 8 but using the remaining untested groups of OP8110 phases (ex: phases 4, 5 and 6 of amplifier #1; phases 1, 2 and 3 of amplifier #2; phases 4, 5 and 6 of amplifier #2; etc.)

OP1420 Test Benches

On OP1420 test benches, the user should ensure that:

  • All phase outputs of OP8110 amplifiers produce a voltage waveform when operated

  • All DER outputs of OP1460 can be locally operated with the Start/Stop buttons

  • All DER outputs of OP1460 can be remotely operated through digital outputs of a simulator

  • Measurements reported by the power meters on the OP1470 are correct

Hence, the following test procedure is proposed:

  1. Connect the first OP8110 group (phases 1, 2 and 3) to the uGRID inputs of the OP1460 (on the rear panel, inside the cabinet), using three-phase 120Vac topology

  2. Connect the resistive load to the DER1 output of the OP1460 (on the front panel), ensure the input selector switch of DER1 (on the rear panel, inside the cabinet) is set to "1" (external mode)

  3. Configure the OP8110 to output three-phase 60 Hz 120 Vrms (line to neutral) on the corresponding phases

  4. Ensure that the "DER Control" selector is set to "Local", that the DER1 output on the front panel is OFF and that the disconnect switch is ON

  5. Validate that the three line-to-neutral voltages are approximately 0 V using the multimeter

  6. Validate that the uGRID power meter on the OP1470 shows approximately 120 Vrms on all three phases, but that the DER1 power meter shows approximately 0 V

  7. Switch the DER1 output to ON using the "Start" button

  8. Validate that the three line-to-neutral voltages are approximately 120 Vrms using the multimeter and that the DER1 power meter also shows approximately 120 Vrms

  9. Validate that the power measurements of power meters uGRID and DER1 are approximately 120 / Rline-neutral for the 3 phases

  10. Validate that the power measurements of power meter uGRID are negative values for the three phases and that they are positive values for the three phases of power meter DER1

  11. Switch the DER1 output to OFF and change the "DER Control" selector to "Remote"

  12. Remotely (using digital output of simulator) switch the DER1 output to ON and validate using DER1 power meter that approximately 120 Vrms are present on all three phases

  13. Remotely (using digital output of simulator) switch the DER1 output to OFF and validate using DER1 power meter that approximately 120 Vrms are present on all three phases

  14. Switch OFF the OP8110's outputs

  15. Repeat steps 1 to 14 but using the internal connections of DER1 (on the rear panel, inside the cabinet) and by setting the input selector switch of DER1 (on the rear panel) to "2" (internal mode)

  16. Repeat steps 1 to 15 but using DER2 and then DER3 of the OP1480

  17. Repeat steps 1 to 10 (switching the OP8110's outputs OFF after step 10) but using the remaining untested groups of OP8110 phases (ex: phases 4, 5 and 6 of amplifier #1; phases 1, 2 and 3 of amplifier #2; phases 4, 5 and 6 of amplifier #2; etc.)

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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