TestDrive | General Dialog Boxes

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TestDrive | General Dialog Boxes


The Login dialog box appears at the TestDrive Interface startup. It allows you to select your own profile.

Username Option Button

Allows you to select your own profile from the list of available profiles.

Password Entry Field

You must enter your password in the Password entry field to allow TestDrive to load your profile.

Work Offline Checkbox

The Work Offline checkbox allows you to choose to work offline, i.e., to modify a configuration without being connected to the simulator.

New Profile… Button

Clicking this button will open the New Profile dialog box which allows you to create a new profile.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and starts TestDrive with the selected profile's preferences.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without starting TestDrive.

New Profile

The New Profile dialog box can be accessed from the Login dialog box at the TestDrive Interface startup. It allows you to create a new profile.

Username Entry Field

Allows you to enter a username to create your own profile.

Password Entry Field

Allows you to enter a password for your profile. If you do not want to use a password, leave this field empty.

Confirm Password Entry Field

You must enter a confirmation for your password, i.e., the text entered in this field must reflect the text of the Password entry field.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and starts TestDrive with the new profile.

Cancel Button

Takes you back to the Login dialog box.


The Configurations dialog box appears at TestDrive's startup, except if you

already have chosen to automatically use a specific configuration (please refer to the Options Dialog Box section). The Configurations dialog box also appears when you select File > Open… from the menu, it allows you to change the configuration that is currently in use.

Configuration Option Button

The Configuration options button allows you to select the configuration you want to use from all available configurations.

Options… Button

The Option…s button opens the Options dialog box which allows you to change the current configuration's properties.

Description Display Field

This field allows you to see the selected configuration's description.

New Configuration… Button

The New Configuration… button opens the Options dialog box which allows you to create a new configuration from scratch.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and opens the selected configuration.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without applying the selected configuration.


The Options dialog box appears when you select Tools > Options… from the menu or when you click the Options… button of the Configurations dialog box. It allows you to customize the current configuration. The Options dialog box also appears when you select File > New…, in this case, it allows you to create a new configuration from scratch.

Name Display Field

Displays the name of the configuration currently in use.

Model Path Entry Field and Open Button

Entry field

Allows you to enter the path of the model to use with the current configuration. A model is a Simulink .mdl file.

Open button

Opens a browser that allows you to select a model, i.e., a Simulink .mdl file.

Sharing Radio Buttons

The Sharing radio buttons allow you to determine whether to make the current configuration public or private.

Import… Button

The Import button opens the Import dialog box which allows you to import parts of certain configuration properties or entire configurations.

Description Entry Field

This field allows you to enter a description for the current configuration.

Automatically load this configuration at startup Checkbox

When this checkbox is checked, the current configuration is automatically loaded at TestDrive's startup.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and applies the changes to the current configuration.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.

Save As

The Save As dialog box appears when you select File > Save As… from the TestDrive menu, it allows you to save your current configuration under a different name.

Name Combo Box

This field allows you to select or enter the name under which the current configuration will be saved.

Description Entry Field

This field allows you to enter a description for the configuration that will be saved.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and saves the current configuration under the specified name.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without saving the configuration.


The Preferences dialog box can be accessed by selecting File > Preferences…

from the TestDrive menu. It allows you to modify your preferences.

Current Username Display Field

Displays your current username, which is also your profile's name.

New Username Entry Field

Allows you to enter a new username, which implies changing your profile's name.

Current Password Entry Field

Allows you to enter your current password which is necessary if you want to change your password.

New Password Entry Field

Allows you to enter a new password for your profile. If you do not want to use a password, leave this field empty.

Confirm Password Entry Field

You must enter a confirmation for your new password, i.e., the text entered in this field must reflect the text of the New Password entry field.

Search for the Tactile Interface Module at Startup Checkbox

When this checkbox is checked, at startup, TestDrive will try to detect an installed Tactile Interface module. You should uncheck it if the computer you are usually working on is not meant to work with a Tactile Interface module.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and applies your modified preferences.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.

Import Configuration

The Import Configuration dialog box can be accessed by selecting File > Import… from the TestDrive menu. It allows you to import some or all the elements of another configuration into your current configuration. Note that you can import elements from different configurations at the same time.

Source Group

Profile Option Button

The Profile option button allows you to select the profile from which you want to import configuration elements.

Configuration Option Button

The Configuration options button allows you to select the configuration from which you want to import elements. Note that only the public configurations will be available from this option button. See the Options Dialog Box section for more details on sharing configurations.


SET Buttons

The SET buttons are related to a specific configuration element. When one of the different SET buttons is clicked, the name of the profile and configuration that were selected in the Source group will appear in the related text box. This means that when the OK button is clicked, this specific element will be imported from the profile and configuration displayed.

Element's Display Fields

Displays the source, i.e., the profile and configuration from which this specific element is to be imported.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and imports the selected configuration elements.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without importing.

Configuration Packing

The Configuration Packing dialog box can be accessed by selecting File > Pack from the TestDrive menu. It allows you to pack all the information needed to transfer a configuration onto another computer. The package contains the Simulink and RT-LAB model files and the TestDrive configuration files.

Source Group

Profile Option Button

The Profile option button allows you to select the profile from which you want to pack a configuration.

Configuration Option Button

The Configuration options button allows you to select the configuration you want to pack.


Package Path Entry Field and Open Button

Entry field

Allows you to enter the path of the package. The resulting package is a .zip file.

Open button

Opens a browser that allows you to select a package, i.e., a .zip file.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and packs the selected configuration.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without packing the configuration.

Configuration Unpacking

The Configuration Unpacking dialog box can be accessed by selecting File > Unpack from the TestDrive menu. It allows you to unpack all the information needed for a configuration into your profile.

The package needs to have been created in TestDrive from an existing configuration. It contains the Simulink and RT-LAB model files and the TestDrive configuration files.

Package Path Entry Field and Open Button

Entry field

Allows you to enter the path of the package. A package is a .zip file.

Open button

Opens a browser that allows you to select a package, i.e., a .zip file.

OK Button

Closes the dialog box and unpacks the selected package into your profile.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog box without unpacking

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