OP8926 Hardware Interface

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OP8926 Hardware Interface


The faceplate provides two HDB44 connectors (J1, J2), one 4-pin Molex connector (J3), and two LEDs:

J1, J2 Connectors

The 32 digital I/O signals are routed to both J1 and J2 connectors. This allows, for example, splitting the input and output signals into two different cables.

If the harnessing uses only one connector, it is recommended to use J2 (bottom one).

The connectors' pin assignment is detailed in the OP8910 Pin assignment 

J1-J2 Recommended Mating Connector

ManufacturerPart numberDescription
Norcomp180-044-173L000D-SUB Housings
Norcomp180-001-170L001Crimps for 24 to 26 wire gauge

J3 Connector

J3 is used to connect the two external reference voltages for fault insertion. 

J3 Mating Connector with Crimps

ManufacturerPart numberDescription
Molex538-172258-1004Headers and Wire Housings
Molex538-172253-3023-LPCrimps for 16 to 18 wire gauge

LED Definition

LED NameLED BehaviorDefinition

OffNo power present on module (either from SLSC Interface or external power)
Solid GreenPower OK State
Blinking RedModule Fault State

OffThe module is not powered or in Rdy/Rst# is driven low by the chassis.
Solid Green

Module in the default configuration, recognized by the chassis and ready to configure.

(The Rdy/Rst# signal has been pulled high by the chassis.)

Blinking AmberThe module is active (in a non-default configuration and/or communicating
with the chassis).

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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