Workbench Menus

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Workbench Menus

The Workbench Menus contain menu items that provide access to all commands.

Note: Menu items could be added or removed by Configuring perspectives and menu items may appear or disappear when Capabilities preference page are enabled or disabled. Menu items are grayed when the corresponding commands are disallowed.

Commands are enabled according to:

  • the active part of the RT-LAB Workbench, it means the Editor or the View that has the focus,
  • the element selected in this active part,
  • the state of this element (for example, a running Model cannot be loaded).

The RT-LAB workbench provides the following menus:

  • File menu
  • Edit menu
  • Navigate menu
  • Search menu
  • Simulation menu
  • Tools menu
  • Window menu
  • Help menu

File Menu

New (Shift+Alt+N)Creates new resources by opening the corresponding wizard. Note that before you can create a new file, you must create a project in which to store the file.
Open Opens a file for editing--including files that do not reside in the Workspace.
Close (Ctrl+W)Closes the active editor. You are prompted to save changes before the file closes.
Close All (Shift+Ctrl+W)Closes all open editors. You are prompted to save changes before the files close.
Save (Ctrl+S)Saves the contents of the active editor.
Save AsSaves the contents of the active editor under another file name or location.
Save All (Shift+Ctrl+S)Saves the contents of all open editors.
RevertReplaces the contents of the active editor with the previously saved contents.
MoveMoves the currently selected resources to a different project.
Rename (F2)Changes the name of the currently selected resource.
Refresh (F5)Refreshes the resource with the contents in the file system.
Convert Line Delimiters ToAlters the line delimiters for the selected files. Changes are immediate and persist until you change the delimiter again--you do not need to save the file.
Print (Ctrl+P)Prints the contents of the active editor.
Switch WorkspaceOpens the Workspace Launcher, from which you can switch to a different workspace. This restarts the Workbench.
ImportLaunches the Import wizard to add resources to the Workbench.
ExportLaunches the Export wizard to export resources from the Workbench.
Properties (Alt+Enter)Opens the Properties dialog for the currently selected resource.
Recent file listContains a list of the most recently accessed files in the Workbench. You can open any of these files from the File menu by simply clicking the file name. You can control the number of files in this list from the Editors preference page.
ExitCloses and exits the Workbench.
Exit and reconfigure for 10.xCloses and exits Workbench, and reconfigures the operating system to launch an RT-LAB version older than 11.x. 

Edit Menu

UndoReverses your most recent editing action.
RedoRe-applies the editing action that has most recently been reversed by the Undo action.
CutRemoves the selection and places it on the clipboard.
CopyPlaces a copy of the selection on the clipboard.
PastePlaces the text or object on the clipboard at the current cursor location in the currently active view or editor.
DeleteRemoves the current selection.
Select AllSelects all text or objects in the currently active view or editor.
Find/ReplaceSearches for an expression in the active editor, and optionally replace the expression with a new expression.
Find NextSearches for the next occurrence of the current selection, or for the next occurrence of the most recent expression found using the Find/Replace action.
Find PreviousSearches for the previous occurrence of the current selection, or for the previous occurrence of the most recent expression found using the Find/Replace action.
Incremental Find NextSearches for expressions in the active editor. As you type the search expression, it incrementally jumps to the next exact match in the active editor. While in this mode, the up and down cursor keys can be used to navigate between matches, and the search can be cancelled by pressing left or right cursor keys, the enter key, or the escape key.
Incremental Find PreviousSearch for expressions in the active editor. As you type the search expression, it incrementally jumps to the previous exact match in the active editor. While in this mode, the up and down cursor keys can be used to navigate between matches, and the search can be
canceled by pressing left or right cursor keys, the enter key, or the escape key.
Add BookmarkAdds a bookmark in the active file on the line where the cursor is currently displayed.
Add TaskAdds a task in the active file on the line where the cursor is currently displayed.
Word CompletionAttempts to complete the word currently being entered in the active editor.
Set EncodingLaunches a dialog allowing you to change the file encoding used to read and write the file in the active editor.

Search Menu

Search... (Ctrl+H)This command opens the Search dialog.
File...This command opens the File tab of the Search dialog.

This command searches for the currently selected text and displays results on the Search View.

The search may be performed within:

  • Workspace
  • Project
  • File
  • Working set... (opens a dialog to select a Working set)

Navigate Menu

Last Edit PositionThis command jumps the last edit position.
Go to LineThis command jumps to a specific line in the active editor.

Tools Menu

Probe ControlOpens the Probe Control Panel application for the currently selected Model.
ScopeViewLaunches the ScopeView application to acquire and display signals from real-time simulation. 
Open Matlab [version]Opens the current version of Matlab. The version is displayed in the menu and may be changed in the Matlab preference page.

Python Menu

RunStarts the currently selected Python script
Run configurationsOpens a dialog to set the settings used when running a Python script
Open ConsoleOpens the Interactive Python Console

Simulation Menu

Build (Ctrl+Alt+C)Builds the selected Subsystems, the selected Models or all the Models of the selected Project. 
Build configurations...Opens the Build Configurations dialog.
Assign... (Ctrl+Alt+A)Opens the Assignation Page for the selected Models.
Load (Ctrl+Alt+L)Loads the selected Models or all the Models of the selected Project. 
Execute (Ctrl+Alt+S)Starts the execution of the selected Models or all the Models of the selected Project. 
Execute a single stepSimulate one calculation step at a time of the model. (only available when the model is paused).
Pause (Ctrl+Alt+P)Pauses the execution of the selected Models or all the Models of the selected Project. See Executing models.
Reset (Ctrl+Alt+R)Resets the selected Models or all the Models of the selected Project. 
Take Snapshot (Ctrl+Alt+T)Takes a snapshot of the selected Model using the last snapshot’s name and description. See Taking a Snapshot for more help on snapshot. This Model must be in Paused or Running state before taking a snapshot. 
Take Snapshot As...

Opens a dialog to enter a name and a description of a snapshot:

This snapshot will then be taken for the currently selected Model. See Taking a Snapshot for more help on snapshot. This Model must be in Paused or Running state before taking a snapshot. 

Restore Snapshot (Ctrl+Alt+Y)

Opens a dialog to choose a previously taken snapshot:

This snapshot will then be restored for the currently selected Model. See Taking a Snapshot for more help on snapshot. The Model must be in the Paused state before restoring a snapshot. Note that the snapshot may exist on the target directory where the model was loaded.

Load ParametersOpen the Load Parameters wizard to load a set of parameters and set values on the selected model.
Save ParametersOpen the Save Parameters wizard to save the values of all parameters of the selected model.

Window Menu

New EditorThis command opens an editor based on the currently active editor. It will have the same editor type and input as the original.
Open Perspective

This command opens a new perspective in this Workbench window. This preference can be changed on the General > Perspectives preference page. All of the perspectives that are open within the Workbench window are shown on the shortcut bar.
The perspectives you likely want to open are listed first. This list is dependent on the current perspective. From the Other... submenu you can open any perspective.

Show View

This command displays the selected view in the current perspective. You can configure how views are opened on the General > Perspectives preference page. Views you are likely to want to open are listed first. This list is dependent on the current perspective. From the Other... submenu you can open any view. The views are sorted into categories in the Show View dialog.

Customize Perspective

Each perspective includes a predefined set of actions accessible from the menu bar and Workbench toolbar.

Save Perspective As

This command saves the current perspective, creating your own custom perspective. You can open more perspectives of this type using the Window > Open Perspective > Other menu items once you have saved a perspective.

Reset PerspectiveChanges the layout of the current perspective to its original configuration.
Close PerspectiveCloses the active perspective.
Close All PerspectivesCloses all open perspectives in the Workbench window.


Show System MenuShows the menu used for resizing, closing or pinning the current view or editor.
Show View MenuShows the drop-down menu available in the toolbar of the active view.
Maximize active view or editorCauses the active part to take up the entire screen, or if it already is, returns it to its previous state.
Minimize active view or editorCauses the active part to be minimized.
Activate EditorMakes the current editor active.
Next EditorActivates the next open editor in the list of most recently used editors.
Previous EditorActivates the previous open editor in the list of most recently used editors.
Switch to editorShows a dialog that allows switching to opened editors. Shows a dialog that allows switching to opened editors.
Quick switch editorShows a searchable popup that allows switching to a new editor.
Next ViewActivates the next open view in the list of most recently used views.
Previous ViewActivates the previous open view in the list of most recently used editors.
Next PerspectiveActivates the next open perspective in the list of most recently used perspectives.
Previous PerspectiveActivates the previous open perspective in the list of most recently used perspectives.


Help menuProvides help on using the Workbench.
WelcomeOpens the welcome content.
Help ContentsDisplays the help contents in a help window or external browser. The help contents contain help books, topics, and information related to the Workbench and installed features.
Help SearchDisplays the help view opened on the Search page.
Dynamic HelpDisplays the help view opened to Related Topics page.
Key Assist ...Displays a list of key bindings.
Open Cheat Sheets ...Opens the cheat sheet selection dialog.
Install New Software...Updates your product and to download and install new software.
Request a licenseOpens the License Request Wizard.
Install a license fileSelects a license file to activate a Target.
AboutDisplays information about the product, installed features, and available plug-ins.

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