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Transient Stability - 3. Description of the Panels
Page Content
The simulator dashboard contains command switches, control parameters and measurement device display for the stabilization system status of the system. This dashboard represents the interactive user interface for the simulation of the transient stability on the power system under study.
This section is a complete reference for components contained in the simulation dashboard.
3.1 Startup Panel
At start up, the simulator panel appears, as shown in Figure.2. The default values for the switches, explained in Table 3, are in grey fields.
3.2 Tables for Parameters Setup and Control Switches
Control parameters | Default values | Variation interval |
Duration of the fault 1 (second) | 0.1 | [0 ; 1] |
Duration of the fault 3 (second) | 0.1 | [0 ; 1] |
delta file | 0 | [0 ; 20] |
Voltage file | 0 | [0 ; 20] |
Table 2: User accessible control parameters
Command switches | Associated function | |
| Default status, no action. | |
PSS is activated until the system is stabilized. | ||
| The generator has no rotor damper windings. | |
The generator has rotor damper windings to damp torque oscillations | ||
| Default status, no action. | |
Fault is triggered on bus 1. | ||
| Default status, no action. | |
Fault is triggered on bus 3. | ||
| Default status, no action. | |
Switches are closed: the line between buses 1 and 3, and between buses 3 and 2 are reconnected. | ||
| The trigger function is inactive. Signals are not synchronized with respect to a reference signal. | |
Signals are synchronized with the oscillations' frequency of the system. | ||
| The trigger function is inactive. | |
The oscilloscopes are waiting for a fault initiation to display the signal waveforms for 6 seconds. |
Table 3: Control switch descriptions
Control Indicators | Description | |
D1 | Switch closed (line connected) | |
| Switch open (line disconnected) | |
D2 | Switch closed (line connected) | |
| Switch open (line disconnected) | |
Damping | The generator is equipped with rotor damper windings | |
The generator is not equipped with rotor damper windings. | ||
Oscillating | The system is oscillating. | |
The system is not oscillating. | ||
Stability | The system is stable. | |
The system is not stable. | ||
PSS | The PSS is enabled. | |
The PSS is no longer enabled. | ||
Recording | Data is being saved. | |
No data is being saved. |
Table 4: Status indicator functions
3.3 Tab Descriptions
The panel shown in Figure.2 contains several tabs selectable by the user
The Panel tab contains all simulator dashboard components and two additional tabs, Display 1 and Display 2 are oscilloscope tabs that the user can select to change display pages:
Oscilloscope tabs “Display1” and “Display 2”: On tab “Display1” the signals are displayed continuously and on tab “Display 2” the signals are saved and displayed for 6 seconds after the initiation of a fault on the power system. Also, those signals are updated each time a new fault occurs.
“Help” tab: located in the top left corner of the dashboard screen, this page contains information about the exercises.
3.4 Display of Measurement Devices and Oscilloscopes Waveforms
Sections | Display | Label | Measurement displayed |
Bus 1 | Display | mag | Voltage magnitude at bus 1 |
Display | ang | Voltage angle at bus 1 [degree] | |
Bus 2 | Display | mag | Voltage magnitude at bus 2 |
Display | ang | Voltage angle at bus 2 [degree] | |
Display | P | Active power at bus 2 [MW] | |
Display | Q | Reactive power at bus 2 [MVar] | |
Bus 3 | Display | mag | Voltage magnitude at bus 3 |
Display | ang | Voltage angle at bus 3 [degree] | |
Bus 4 | Display | mag | Voltage magnitude at bus 4 |
Display | ang | Voltage angle at bus 4 [degree] | |
Display | P | Active power bus 4 [MW] | |
Display | Q | Reactive power at bus 4 [MVar] | |
Display | delta | Generator rotor mechanical angle [degree] |
Table 5: Measurement device display modules
Tab | Oscilloscopes | Waveforms displayed on the oscilloscopes |
Display1 | Oscilloscope 1 | “Generator mechanical angle (degree)”. Mechanical angle of generator delta in degrees. |
Oscilloscope 2 | “BUS 4 magnitude voltage (pu)”. Voltage magnitude in pu of phase A on bus 4. | |
y-axis scale | Setting the y-axis scale on the oscilloscope displaying the rotor mechanical angle. | |
y-axis offset | Setting y-axis offset on the oscilloscope displaying the rotor mechanical angle. | |
Display 2 | Oscilloscope 1 | “Generator mechanical angle (degree)”. Generator mechanical angle delta in degrees for 6 seconds, when a fault occurs and trigger “Trig-Acq.Gr. 2” is active. |
Oscilloscope 2 | “BUS 4 magnitude voltage (pu)”. Voltage magnitude in pu of phase A on bus 4 over a period of 6 seconds when a fault occurs and trigger “Trig-Acq.Gr. 2” is active. | |
y-axis scale | Setting the y-axis scale on the oscilloscope displaying the rotor mechanical angle | |
y-axis offset | Setting the y-axis offset on the oscilloscope displaying the rotor mechanical angle. | |
delta_file | File number for delta angle data saved during fault. | |
voltage_file | File number for bus 4 voltage data saved during fault. |
Table 6: Waveforms and oscilloscope settings
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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