The following section provides information on the exciter models available in HYPERSIM: exciter and stabilizer models are based on IEEE std 412.5. Consult IEEE documentation (421.5-2005 i IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies) for more information about these models.
Within the model parameters interface, AVR and Exciter windows contain diagram bars allowing users to expand the window to show diagrams (block and exciter system) for the block.
MODEL | Description |
AC1A | IEEE std 412.5 type AC1A excitation system model |
AC2A | IEEE std 412.5 type AC2A excitation system model |
AC3A | IEEE std 412.5 type AC3A excitation system model |
ESAC6A | IEEE std 412.5 type AC6A excitation system model |
AC7B old | IEEE std 412.5 type AC7B excitation system model |
AC8B | IEEE std 412.5 type AC8B excitation system model |
DC2A | IEEE std 412.5 type DC2A excitation system model |
DC3A | IEEE std 412.5 type DC3A excitation system model |
ST1A | IEEE std 412.5 type ST1A excitation system model |
ST2A | IEEE std 412.5 type ST2A excitation system model |
ESST4B | IEEE std 412.5 type ST4B excitation system model |
IEEET1 | IEEE std 412.5 type IEEET1 excitation system model |
IEEET2 | IEEE std 412.5 type IEEET2 excitation system model |
IEEET3 | IEEE std 412.5 type IEEET3 excitation system model |
EXAC1 | IEEE std 412.5 type EXAC1 excitation system model |
EXAC2 | IEEE std 412.5 type EXAC2 excitation system model |
EXAC3 | IEEE std 412.5 type EXAC3 excitation system model |
EXPIC1 | IEEE std 412.5 type EXPIC1 excitation system model |
EXST1 | IEEE std 412.5 type EXST1 excitation system model |
EXST3 | IEEE std 412.5 type EXST3 excitation system model |
SCRX | IEEE std 412.5 type SCRX excitation system model |
EXDC2 | IEEE std 412.5 type EXDC2 excitation system model |
IEEEVC | IEEE std 412.5 type IEEEVC Compensation system model |
REXSYS | IEEE std 412.5 type REXSYS excitation system model |
IEEEX1 | Computer representation of excitation systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems ( Volume: PAS-87, Issue: 6, June 1968) |