WTGS - Panels

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WTGS - Panels

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Understanding the Panel

When starting the demo and letting the simulation stabilize, the panel in Figure 9 appears first with the default settings.

Figure 9: Start-Up Panel of the Wind Turbine Generation System Laboratory

The panel is to be operated as follows:

  • In the top left corner, under Setpoint, the student can change the control parameters, which are summarized in Table 2.

Control Parameters

Default Value

Interval of Variation

Wind Speed (m/s)


[7; 12]

Reactive Power Reference (VAR)


[-400000; 400000]

Reference Speed from User rad/s)


[0; 240]

Table 2: Control Parameters of the WTGS

  • The switch “User/Predefined” allows students to impose their own reference speed when the option “User” is selected.
    In this scenario, the optimal rotational speed obtained via MPPT from the wind speed is replaced by the reference speed.
  • After setting the control parameters, the students can observe the waveforms displayed in six scopes.
    More details about the displayed waveforms are given in Table 3.

On scope localization, the indices used will be like those of matrix elements.
Hence, the first scope on Main Interface tab, located in the upper left corner (first row, first column) is denoted Scope11, while the second scope in the upper right corner (first row, second column) is Scope12.
By the same token, the other four scopes are denoted Scope21, Scope22, Scope31, and Scope32.


Content of Scopes & Displayed Waveforms


Stator voltages at phases A, B, and C.


Stator currents at phases A, B, and C.


Rotor currents at phases A, B, and C.


Reference and measured torques.


Reference and measured DC voltages.


Reference and measured reactive powers.

Table 3: Content of Scopes and Displayed Waveforms on Main Interface Tab.

Secondary Interface

When clicking on the “Secondary Interface” tab and changing the wind speed to 11 m/s, the panel in Figure 10 is displayed.
The content of scopes and displayed waveforms of the “Secondary Interface” are summarized in Table 4.

Figure 10: Secondary Interface Panel of the Wind Turbine Generation System Laboratory


Content of Scopes & Displayed Waveforms


Reference and measured speeds.


Reference and measured torques.


Reference and measured Id currents at rotor-side control.


Reference and measured Iq currents at rotor-side control.


Reference and measured Id currents at grid-side control.


Reference and measured Iq currents at grid-side control.

Table 4: Content of Scopes and Displayed Waveforms on Secondary Interface Tab

Help Tab

When clicking on the “Help Contents” tab, the panel in Figure 11 is displayed.
In this panel, the student can see live displays of power flow at different parts of the WTGS.
The student can validate the simulation results by checking that the power flow is balanced.

Figure 11: Help Contents Panel of the Wind Turbine Generation System Laboratory

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