Lab 1 - Panels

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Lab 1 - Panels

Page Contents

Understanding the Panel

Figure 6 shows the primary Dashboards panel of the laboratory. This panel enables the user to manipulate the entire circuit, retrieve desired values, and observe plotted signals. Initially, all switches are turned off.


Figure 6: Main Dashboards panel of the laboratory.


The panel is to be operated as follows.

At the top, there are control parameters and switches for the simulated circuit. The user can modify circuit parameter values and change switch statuses according to the laboratory task. These parameters and switches are summarized in Table 2.


Initial value/Status


Initial value/Status

Transformer Secondary Voltage (V)


Transformer Resistance (p.u.)


Transformer Inductance (p.u.)


Resistive Load (ohm)


Inductive Load (H)


Firing Angle (Deg)


Open/Closed loop


Data Acquisition


Table 2: Circuit parameters and switches.


The simulation results are shown under two tabs named as “Steady-State” and “Transient”, as shown in Figures 7 and 8. The content of scopes of the aforementioned tabs are summarized in Tables 3 to 6.


Figure 7: Scopes for steady-state analysis.

Figure 8: Scopes and controls for transient analysis.

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

DC voltage & mean of the DC voltage

DC field voltage and its average value

Three phase voltage: Vabc

Voltages of the secondary windings of the transformer

DC current

DC field current

Phase A current & mean of the current

Phase A AC current at the secondary windings of the transformer and its rms

Table 3: Contents of Scope 1-Q1.

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

Active Power (W)

Active power

Apparent Power (VA)

Apparent power

Reactive power (Var)

Reactive power

Power Factor

Power factor

Table 4: Contents of Scope 2-Q1.

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

Thyristor Voltage (V)

Thyristor (Th1) voltage

Thyristor Current (A)

Thyristor (Th1) current

Table 5: Contents of Thyristor-Q1.

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

Scope Label

Displayed Waveforms

DC voltage & mean of the DC voltage

DC field voltage and its average value

Reference current and DC Current

Reference current and measured DC field current

Firing angle (deg)

Firing (delay) angle α

Table 6: Contents of scopes under Transient tab.


Under the Transient tab, one can also see two switches “Trigger” and “Scenario 1 - Scenario 2”. Their descriptions are presented in Table 7.






The trigger allows to trig and display the waveforms of triggered scopes for transient operation.

Scenario 1 - Scenario 2

Help to select scenarios for transient stability studies. When on Scenario 1, the reference current is a step current going from 0 A to 694 A after 0.1 s. While when on Scenario 2, the reference current is a step current going from 694 A to 0 A after 0.5 s.

Table 7: Switches under Transient tab.

Help Tab

In Figure 9, the Help tab of the laboratory is shown. In the help, a summary of the circuit parameters and the circuit configuration are presented.

Harmonic Analysis Using ScopeView

The steps to follow in order to perform harmonic spectrum analysis using this laboratory are presented in Figures 10 to 13. These steps are based on the assumption that the HYPERSIM laboratory model is already open and running.


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