Step 3: Using Your Integration Model with IOs

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Step 3: Using Your Integration Model with IOs

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Your system includes custom I/O test models designed to verify the functionality of the simulator's I/O capabilities. These models rely on loopback connections, where signals are generated by the simulator, output through an output card, and then fed back into an input card to confirm proper operation. This process ensures the system can accurately generate, output, measure, and input signals.

For simple configurations, such as a single AO (Analog Output) card and AI (Analog Input) card, loopback testing is straightforward: use a loopback cable to connect the AO card's output to the AI card's input. The same principle applies to DO (Digital Output) and DI (Digital Input) cards. However, when using a DO card, ensure the loopback cable is properly powered. Refer to the System Description Document in the CD or USB drive included with your system package for more details.

For more complex configurations, such as systems with multiple AO or DO cards but only one AI or DI card, testing can be performed sequentially. Start by connecting the first AO card to the AI card and verifying functionality. Additional AO cards can then be tested one at a time, depending on your testing requirements. It is important to note that some test models may only work with specific I/O cards (e.g. the first AO card). If you have any doubts, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Although the model used in this guide might differ from the one provided with your system, the general components and steps are similar. Given the variety of system configurations, specific details about I/O pin assignments and card setups are provided in your System Description Document.


Download the HYPERSIM project *.zip file(s) from the Test_models > HYPERSIM folder on the CD or USB drive included with your system package.

Step 1: Open the Model in HYPERSIM

  1. Open HYPERSIM. Click on the HYPERSIM tab. In the ribbon that appears, locate the Import/Export category. Click Project and select Import.

  2. Navigate to the previously downloaded HYPERSIM project *.zip file, and select it. You will then be prompted to choose a folder to unzip the project.

  3. A pop-up window may appear, indicating that a target with the specified IP is not defined in the Target Manager and asking if you would like to add and select it automatically. If this window appears, click No. If it doesn't, you can skip this step.

  4. Analyze the model for I/O setup and monitoring.

    • The test model is an excellent resource for understanding how to set up loopback connections. In the model, I/Os are explicitly labeled, making it easier to determine which connections are needed. Here is a simple example:

* As a reminder, consult your System Description Document. Ensure digital output boards are powered with an external source connected to the Vuser pins and grounded on Vrtn pins. For more information about the use of Vuser and Vrtn pleaser refer to this article in the OPAL-RT knowledge base : How to power the different DB37 boards for digital outputs.

Step 2: Assign the Target to the Model

  1. Remain in the HYPERSIM tab and locate the Simulation category. Click Settings.

  2. In the Simulation Settings window, select your target and set the Simulation mode to Real-time.

  3. Click Apply, then Close.

Step 3: Run the Simulation

  1. Remain in the HYPERSIM tab and locate the Simulation category. Click Start. HYPERSIM® will automatically map tasks to the appropriate cores, compile the code, and begin the simulation. This process can take a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the model size.

Once the simulation is running, the Start button will be grayed out, and the Stop button will become active, allowing you to halt the simulation if needed. For now, do not stop the simulation.

Step 4: Observe the Signals in ScopeView

  1. Remain in the HYPERSIM tab and locate the Tools category. Click ScopeView.

  2. In the ScopeView window, select Open Template.

  3. Locate and open the *.svt file within your HYPERSIM project. The file browser should default to the correct directory.

  4. With the template open, click Start to begin the acquisition.

  5. You can observe the signals in the ScopeView. Note that there may be multiple tabs available to view different sets of signals.

  6. You can also use an oscilloscope to probe analog and digital outputs of the simulator.

Step 5: Stop the Simulation

  1. Click the Stop button to stop the simulation and reset the model execution.

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | opal-rt.com | +1 514-935-2323
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