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Speed Regulation | Operation
The speed regulator is responsible for producing the gate opening signal x depending on actual electric power Pe and speed w. In fact, this type of regulator is a speed and power regulator, because it achieves a specific characteristic of regulation, called permanent droop between Pe and w. So, this regulator needs two different user references, Peo and wo.
The regulation characteristic is illustrated in Figure 5 - 15. It represents a line with a slope -re_sigma (permanent droop) on which the speed w is equal to the rated speed wo when the electric power required is equal to the reference power Peof. So, if the machine delivers more than its reference, the machine’s speed will tend to decrease, depending on the permanent droop value.
The speed regulator has two different operating modes.
- The first operating mode, based on electrical power regulation, is achieved when re_iop=1. In that mode, the regulator will adjust x in order to have an electrical power output to be the same as the power reference (Peo).
- The second speed regulator operating mode, based on gate opening regulation, will adjust the gate opening to have mechanical power output be the same as the electrical power reference. In that case, the friction losses (Tgo) are not considered in the regulation. The block diagram of the power and speed regulator is illustrated in Figure 5 - 16.
Speed and Power Regulation Characteristic
Speed and Power Regulator Block Diagram
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