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Steam Turbine | List of Available Signals

At acquisition, the following signals are made available by the sensors. Only signals from subsystems common to both turbine generators and signals from the primary turbine generator are listed. The names of signals from the secondary turbine generator are obtained by adding a suffix “_s” to the names of signals from the primary turbine generator.

  • V_label_a,b,c: Voltages at the breaker terminals (V)
  • I_label_a,b,c: Currents from the generator (A)
  • Id_label: D axis generator current (pu)
  • Iq_label: Q axis generator current (pu)
  • Ed_label: Voltage behind inductance (pu)
  • Eq_label: External, D and Q axes (pu)
  • Vt_label: Output voltage (pu)
  • Efd_label: Field voltage, general (pu)
  • Vstab_label: Stabilizer output voltage (pu)
  • w_label: Angular speed (pu)
  • Te_label: Electrical torque based on generator rating (pu / MW*s)
  • Pe_label: Active power (pu / MVA)
  • Qe_label: Reactive power (pu / MVA)
  • Pef_label: Filtered electric power (pu / MVA)
  • psih_label: Vapor pressure at high pressure level (pu)
  • mhuh_label: Flow of high pressure vapor (pu)
  • Tmec1,...,8_label: Mechanical couple flow of high pressure steam (pu)
  • x_label: Valve opening (pu)
  • x_i_label: Valve opening when the speed regulator is modeled externally (pu)
  • Ifd_label: Field current (pu)
  • w2,...,n_label: Angular velocity of mass n (pu)
  • T12,...,nm_label: Mechanical torque applied by mass n to mass m (pu)
  • Edreg_label: Mechanical torque applied by mass n to mass m (pu). Voltage to be regulated by excitation for D-axis (Ed)
  • Eqreg_label: Mechanical torque applied by mass n to mass m (pu) Voltage to be regulated by excitation for Q-axis (Eq).

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