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Speed Regulator | Programmable Parameters and Variables

  • Speed regulator: Selector for internal or external speed regulator;
  • tb_wsensor: Selection of the generator whose speed is to be regulated
  • tb_wfil: Time constant of the speed sensor (s)
  •  tb_r: Permanent droop (pu)
  • tb_db: Dead-band of regulator (pu)
  • tb_pah1: Valve speed (absolute) upper limit when opening (pu)
  • tb_pah2: Valve speed (absolute) upper limit when closing (pu)
  • tb_ahlim: Valve opening upper limit (pu)
  • tb_k1: Regulator gain (pu)
  • tb_tsr: Time constant of speed valve relay (s)
  • tb_tcv: Inverse of valve speed (speed = 1 / tb_tcv) (s).

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