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Sequence Manager | User Interface

On this page:

The Sequence Manager user Interface is divided into 4 main areas.

  1. Menu bar
  2. Toolbar
  3. Editor
  4. Console Outputs

Menu Bar

File Management

New python... (Ctrl+N)

Creates a new Python script.

Specify the script name with the extension .py and save the file.

Open... (Ctrl+O)

Opens an existing python script.

Open Recent

Allows opening a script amongst the 10 most recently opened files.

Save (Ctrl+S)/Save As...

Allows you to save a script. The default destination directory is the current HYPERSIM Project Content directory.

It's also possible to save the sequence in another folder anywhere in your file system.

Save All (Ctrl+Shift+S)

Allows you to save all the scripts that have been modified in the editor.

Theme Menu

Allows you to change the background theme of the editor. There are two modes: Light mode lightens the background, Dark mode darkens it.

By default, the editor uses the dark mode every time the application is opened.

Changing the theme has no impact on the execution of the script; this menu is used for aesthetic purposes only.

Environment Menu

Allows user-defined environment variables to be added during sequence execution. These environment variables are added to those of HYPERSIM.

To add multiple values to a single variable, a semicolon ';' must be inserted between the values.

External Python scripts can be imported into the code and detected by the auto-completion by adding the external folder path in the definition of the PYTHONPATH variable.

Limitation : The Sequencer currently uses the Python version embedded within HYPERSIM. For any advanced usage using community or private libraries, it is recommended to use an external tool and follow the Python API | Setup documentation.

Tool Bar

On the toolbar, it finds shortcuts for some of the options detailed above. In order: New Python Script, Open An Existing Script, Save, Save As, Execute, Stop, Record Commands.


This area shows one script per tab.

Python Script

A script can be closed from the tab header by clicking on the cross.

If a file contains unsaved modifications, a asterisk '*' is displayed on the tab header next to the file name.

Python Sequence Edition

Commands and comments can directly be added in this section.

The editor detects Python errors and warnings and displays them to inform the user.

Additional information can be obtained by placing the mouse cursor over an warning, an error or any word in the editor.

The editor supports the followings keyword shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + S : Save the current file
  • Ctrl + Z : Undo last action
  • Ctrl + Y : Redo last undone action
  • Ctrl + F : Find text in the script
  • Ctrl + H : Find and replace text in the script
  • Ctrl + D : Find the next occurrence of the selected text
  • Ctrl + G : Go to a specific line
  • Ctrl + Shift + L : Select all occurrences of the selected text
  • Ctrl + Shift + K : Delete current line
  • Ctrl + F2 : Rename all occurrences of the current symbol
  • Ctrl + Space: Display automatic input suggestions and documentation for cursor control

The editor appends the HYPERSIM API in the PYTHONPATH variable. Therefore, the editor is able to suggest imports and API functions with the "Code completion" feature, available via the Ctrl + Space shortcut.

The script can then be started and stopped using the buttons in the Toolbar.

Record commands mode

The command recorder captures commands executed by the HYPERSIM interface, then transcribes them into Python code in the code editor.

Currently, only some commands from HYPERSIM models and ScopeView are supported.

Here the amplitude has been modified as an example. Once the Apply button has been pressed, the sequencer records the command and transcribes it into the current sequence:

Console Output

This section displays the output of the script run from the sequencer.

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