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Other Programmable Parameters

The parameters are shown in the block diagram of the stabilizer diagram (st_Kag, st_Kap, st_Tag, st_Tap, st_Ks, st_Tw1, st_Tw2, st_T1, st_T2, st_T3, st_T4, st_T5, st_T6, st_Vsmin, st_Vsmax).
In addition, the stabilizer can be off via parameter stab_on. Moreover, the stabilizer can be modelized externally by a user-defined model, depending on the state of stab_mod switch.

  • st_Tw2: Stabilizer time constant (s)st_Tw1: Stabilizer time constant (s)
  • Stab_on: Selection of stabilizer operation. (On=Normal operation; Off=no stabilizer)
  • Stab_mod: Selection of stabilizer model. (Internal: actual model; External: model supply by user)
  • st_Kag: Gain on gate opening;
  • st_Kap: Gain on electric power;
  • st_Tag: Time constant on gate opening (s)
  • st_Tap: Time constant on electric power (s)
  • st_Ks: Stabilizer gain
  • st_T1: Stabilizer time constant (s)
  • st_T2: Stabilizer time constant (s)
  • st_T3: Stabilizer time constant (s)
  • st_T4: Stabilizer time constant (s)
  • st_T5: Stabilizer time constant (s)
  • st_T6: Stabilizer time constant (s)
  • st_Vsmin: Minimum limit of stabilizer voltage (pu)
  • st_Vsmax: Maximum limit of stabilizer voltage (pu).

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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