Data Logger File Browsing with ScopeView

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Data Logger File Browsing with ScopeView

The ScopeView graphic window side ribbon allows navigating through data logging files.

From left to right, the controls are as follows:

  • Return to the beginning of the file
  • Show the previous frame
  • Go to the frame which corresponds to the parameters below
  • Show the next frame
  • Show the last frame

The parameters are as follows:

Start timeStart time of the frame to display.
Time lengthLength of the frame to display.
Trigger type

NoneNo trigger applied.

RisingUse a rising edge with the trigger value.

FallingUse a falling edge with the trigger value.

HighUse the first value higher than the trigger value.

LowUse the first value lower than the trigger value.
Trigger signalSignal used by the trigger option.
Trigger valueValue of the trigger threshold.
Trigger offsetValue of the time delay applied to the trigger value.
Time format

Absolute : The graph will show values from Start to Start+Time length

Relative : Result will be shift result on the time axis, showing values from 0 to Time length.

Note that Trigger options in this window are independent of those set in the Data Logger Configuration. The ScopeView triggers apply to reading the file whereas the data logger triggers apply to writing the file.

The Time format option, used with the Trigger options, will help comparing signals from 2 oprecs, in case events happened at uncontrolled times during their recordings, such as the simtrig API command.

Note that the following table links the GUI Element Labels with the API call  setDataPointParameter, so that users may understand how to access GUI parameters through API calls.

UI textApi text
Time lengthtimeLength
Trigger TypetriggerType
Trigger signaltriggerSignal
Trigger valuetriggerValue
Trigger offsettriggerOffset
Time formattriggerSignal

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