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General Editing to Adding, Deleting and Titling Circuit Pages

These pages cover a range of topics related to Basic Schematic Editing. The topics are listed in a table of contents at the top of each page.

On this page:

Undo and Redo

  • The Undo command (Home > Edit or Ctrl+Z) undoes the last editing operation performed. The text of this menu item changes based on the type of operation. Generally, only schematic editing operations can be undone. Major structural changes, such as Define Attribute Fields, adding pages, or any menu commands involving a dialog box are usually not undo-able. HYPERSIM® stores up to 10 levels of Undo information.
  • Undo never changes the contents of the Clipboard. After a Cut operation, for example, Undo restores the schematic but leaves the Cut objects on the Clipboard.
  • The Redo command (Home > Edit or Ctrl+Shift+Z) redoes the last Undo command. It is only enabled immediately after an Undo operation. Any other editing operation disables this item.
  • Data entered into a device cannot be undone if you click OK.


Selecting Groups of Objects

Several methods are available for selecting multiple objects:

  • Any group of adjacent items can be selected by clicking and dragging across the group. A flickering rectangle follows the mouse movement. Any object that intersects this rectangle when the button is released will be selected (except background objects).
  • A group of interconnected devices and signals is selected by double-clicking on any device in the group while holding the Ctrl key pressed. If a circuit is completely interconnected, this selects the entire circuit.
  • The Select All command in the Home > Edit menu selects all items on the current page except background items.
  • The Shift key can be used in combination with any of the above methods to select multiple items. When the Shift key is held, the previously selected items are not deselected when a new item is clicked on. Thus you can add to the selected group until the desired collection of items is selected.
  • See Background Objects for more information on background objects and how to select them

Deselecting a Selected Object

All currently selected objects are deselected by clicking an empty area of the schematic window (see other options in Home > Edit). A single item can be deselected by holding the Shift key while clicking it.

Multi-page Selection

The HYPERSIM® commands that operate on selected objects normally only affect objects on the current page. However, some external tools, such as the Property Browser and Find, operate across pages and can select objects on non-current pages. This is done to allow global operations to be done without having to go to each page and perform separate editing operations. For example, Find can be used to locate all devices of a particular type and select them, then the Property Browser can be used to display and edit their attributes.
Note the following rules for multi-page selection:

  • Clicking an empty part of a schematic window deselects all objects everywhere in the design.
  • Switching from one schematic window to another does not change the status of any objects that were selected on either page.
  • You can select objects on one page, switch to another page, and (using the normal Shift key technique) add items on the new page to the selected group.

Editing commands like Cut, Copy and Clear only affect selected items on the current page, even if objects are selected on other pages.

Clipboard Commands

The standard clipboard commands Cut, Copy, Paste and Paste Special can be used to move or copy circuit fragments, graphical and text information within a single circuit window, between multiple windows, and between different programs (e.g. word processing or drafting).

Using Clipboard Data From Other Programs

When you enter HYPERSIM®, the clipboard may contain graphical or text information Cut or Copied from a document in another program.

Picture (Graphical) Clipboard Objects

A picture can be Pasted directly onto your diagram in any desired position. Once placed, it can be dragged, Zapped, Cut, Copied, Duplicated, etc. using the various editing commands available for other circuit elements. Here are some notes on pasting pictures onto a schematic.

  • When a picture item is selected, the Properties command can be used to select an optional border and to indicate that the picture should be considered to be part of the sheet background or border. See Creating a Picture for more information.
  • A graphics object is considered to be a monolithic item on a schematic and can only be moved or deleted in its entirety.
  • HYPERSIM® accepts pictures from the clipboard in either Bitmap or Enhanced Metafile format. 
  • The Bitmap format is typically produced by "paint" programs. Bitmap format is not generally recommended as it does not scale evenly and gives poor printing results. 
  • Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) is produced by object-oriented drawing programs, such as the drawing tools in Microsoft Word. 
  • EMF is much better suited for creating mechanical drawings or logos since it will reproduce much better on a variety of output devices. In some cases, programs may place both types of images on the clipboard. You can use the Home > Clipboard > Paste Special command to select which type of data is used.

Text Information on the Clipboard

Text information from a word processor or text editor can be pasted into a text block. See Creating a Text Block for more information.
Using Clipboard Data from HYPERSIM®

When a Cut or Copy is done, two types of data are placed on the clipboard:

  • A picture of the selected items, which can be pasted into a graphics document using most drawing programs. Both bitmap and Enhanced Metafile Format versions of the picture are placed on the clipboard.
  • The HYPERSIM® circuit info for the selected items. This data is in a format that only HYPERSIM® can understand and is discarded when you exit the program.

Circuit structural information on the clipboard is discarded when you quit the program. Only picture and text data is retained. You cannot Copy and Paste circuit data between simultaneous HYPERSIM® sessions.
Cut and Copy work on the currently selected group of circuit objects and will be disabled if no objects are selected. When items are copied onto the clipboard, their names are copied with them, which may result in duplicate names. If duplicate signal names are pasted back into the circuit page they were copied from, then logical connections will be made between the like-named segments.


Cut removes the currently selected objects from the circuit and transfers them to the clipboard. It is equivalent to doing a Copy and then a Clear. Cut is disabled if no objects are selected
As well as the standard location in the Edit menu, there are also Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear and Duplicate commands in the Device and Signal pop-up menus. These operate on the single object that was clicked on to display the menu.


Copies the currently selected objects onto the clipboard without removing them. This can be used to duplicate a circuit group, copy it from one file to another, or to copy a picture of the circuit group to a drawing program. See the notes on clipboard data above. Copy will be disabled if no objects are currently selected.


Paste replaces the cursor with an image of the contents of the Clipboard in the circuit window. The data being pasted may be a circuit group copied from within HYPERSIM®, or it may be text or picture information created by another program. The image of the clipboard data can be dragged around and positioned as desired. The item will be made a permanent part of your diagram when the mouse button is pressed. Paste is disabled if there is no information on the clipboard of a recognized type.

Signal Connection Checking on Paste

HYPERSIM checks for signal connections only at "loose ends" in the signal lines being pasted, i.e. ends of line segments which do not touch devices or other line segments.
Connection "hit testing" can be disabled by holding the Ctrl key on the keyboard depressed while clicking the mouse button (this also applies to single device placing), or by using the “Paste Special” command, described above.

In this case, the copied circuit will be placed, but no connections will be made to adjacent items. This allows the group to be selected again (by Ctrl-double-clicking on any device in the group) and moved without interactions with other objects in the circuit. The Ctrl key can be also depressed when moving circuit groups with the mouse or arrow keys.

Paste Special

The Home > Clipboard > Paste Special command performs the same operation as the Paste command described above, but it allows you to select a number of options for how the data is used.

Here is a typical dialog displayed in response to this command:

Clipboard Format

The clipboard format selection provides a list of the data formats that are currently on the clipboard and are acceptable to HYPERSIM®. The following table summarizes the common formats that you will see in this list.

Bitmap PictureThis is the most common graphics format created and used among Windows applications. In general, this format is not recommended as it does not print and scale well.
Enhanced Metafile PictureThis is the Windows object graphics format, i.e. it describes images as collections of lines, circles, etc. For this reason, it is better suited as a format for printed logos, mechanical drawings, etc.
HyperWorks Picture

This is the internal graphics format for picture data (i.e. without circuit information) used in HYPERSIM®. This is the best format for copying images within the program as it preserves the image information exactly as it appears on a drawing. 

WARNING: This is strictly a graphics image format and contains no circuit connection data. If you copy a collection of circuit elements, then paste it as a picture you are losing all the device and signal connection information.

HyperWorks CircuitThis is the format used internally for normal clipboard operations involving schematic data. Unless you have a good reason for choosing another format, this should be the default choice for all Paste operations on a schematic.
Unformatted TextThis is a plain text format, accepted by most text processing and drawing programs. Pasting text places a miscellaneous text block on the schematic.
Obviously, the exact contents of this list depend on what Cut or Copy operations precede the selection of the Paste Special command.

Device Naming Options

This selection allows you to choose how names are applied to any devices contained in the circuit data on the clipboard. You can choose to apply a new name based on the current settings for naming options (the default operation), or to keep all names as they are.

Warning: Pasting with the "keep existing names" option may create duplicate device names that render the name table invalid. It is then your responsibility to make any corrections needed.

Signal Naming Options

The Signal Naming Options give you more control over the process of assigning new names to signals when circuit scraps are pasted back into a design. The available options are:

Assign new names to signals that currently have default namesThis is the normal operation performed by Paste. This option also renames signals that have a non-default name, but whose name is no longer visible because of the particular combination of elements that was copied.
Assign new names to all signalsAll signals have a new name assigned except those with a hard connection to a pseudo-device such as a bundle breakout or ground connector that forces a name. This guarantees that no connections by name are made with the new elements.
Keep all existing signal namesThis option guarantees that all names are pasted exactly as they appear in the original. This option is dangerous since hidden signal names may result in undesired virtual connections. This option is only recommended when pasting visible signals and connectivity through these visible signals must be maintained.

See also Naming Signals before using signal naming options.

Connection Checking

This checkbox allows you to turn off the normal connection checking (see Signal Connection Checking on Paste) that occurs when circuit elements are pasted.

This option can result in diagrams that look connected but are not. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure the diagram is cleaned up to produce appropriate connection information for Netlist purposes.

Zooming in on Selected Objects

The View> Zoom> Go to Selection command causes the circuit position and scaling to be adjusted so that the currently selected items are centered and just fit in the circuit window. The scaling is set to 100% maximum. This command works even if the selected objects are on a page other than the current one.

Adjusting the Position of All Objects on a Page

If you wish to adjust all the objects on a page to make room for editing or to re-center an edited drawing, you can:

  • Use the Select All command in the Home > Edit menu to select all the objects on the page, then click and drag inside any device symbol to move the entire group.

Adding, Deleting and Titling Circuit Pages

The Pages command (Options > Pages) is used to create a new page, display an existing page, change the page order, or set a page title.

Executing this command produces the following box:

Operations on pages are performed by selecting the pages in the scrolling list and clicking on one of the operation buttons. More than one page can be selected at a time (for all operations except setting the page title) by holding the Ctrl or Shift keys pressed while clicking in the list.

You can also right-click in an empty area of the circuit (i.e. not on a device or signal) and select the Pages command as a shortcut to display this box.

Operations in this box cannot be undone.

Opening a page

The Open Page button causes the pages selected in the list to be displayed in a window. If a window is already open with the selected page, then it is brought to the front.

Creating a New Page

The New Page button causes a new, empty page to be added to the circuit and opens it in a new window.

Deleting a Page

The Delete Page button causes the page selected in the list to be deleted from the circuit. Note that the page must already be empty, i.e. all objects must have been removed from the page (for example using the Home > Edit > Select All and Home > Edit > Delete commands) before this is allowed. Higher numbered pages are renumbered when this page is removed.

Changing Page Order

The Promote and Demote buttons allow you to change the number order of the pages. Promote causes all pages selected in the page list to be moved one step toward the front of the list, i.e. their page number is reduced by one. All non-selected pages are renumbered as needed. Demote similarly moves all selected pages toward the end of the list. Promote is disabled if the first page is selected and Demote is disabled if the last page is selected.

Setting a Page Title

The page title text box allows a title of up to 63 characters to be entered for the selected page.
This title can be displayed in text notations and title blocks using the $PAGETITLE variable. 

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