Sensor Management

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Sensor Management

The sensors in HYPERSIM are used to make acquisitions in ScopeView and to connect the simulation to the I/O Interfaces through their data points.

Sensor Summary

The sensor summary centralizes all selected sensors. They can be edited directly in the table. It is accessible through the HYPERSIM Ribbon.

Adapting the view and filters

The top part of the view helps you filter sensors based on their category, types, and whether they are connected to I/O interfaces.

The list of columns can be filtered with the View dropdown. Some columns is hidden so that you can focus on specific aspects of sensor configuration. You can further customize your view by clicking the "+" icon on the top right of the table, to show or hide individual columns.

Finally, columns can be sorted by clicking on their headers.

Users can double-click a row to locate the row's device on the schematics.

Editing the sensors



Device category. It can be filtered from the dropdowns


Sensor type. A sensor is either an input or an output


Device name.


Sensor name. These names match the pin names on the device.


Editable description.


The unit as per the device documentation.

Base Unit

An editable base unit, for readability purposes.

Base Factor

Editable factor to append to the base unit.

Legacy I/O

I/O Type

Available types :

  • DA: Analog output

  • AD: Analog input

  • DO: Static digital output

  • DI: Static digital input

  • TO: Timed-stamped digital output

  • TI: Timed-stamped digital input

I/O Number

Unique index of the connection in the target configuration files

Data logger


Select the checkbox if the sensor should be recorded by the datalogger


Signal group in which the signal should be recorded. 


Signal group trigger. Only one signal per signal group may be designated as the trigger source. Non-triggered acquisition becomes active by default when no signal is selected as the trigger source.

I/O Interface

I/O Factor

When using analog I/Os, this is used as signal conditioning to fit the voltage range of the simulator analog card. For a signal going out of the simulation, the signal value is divided by the I/O Factor. For a signal coming into the simulation, the signal value is multiplied by the I/O Factor.

I/O connection

An I/O connection, or data point, connects to an element of the I/O Interfaces.

It consists of 3 parameters:

  • I/O Exchanger name: the name of the exchanger

  • Datapoint name: the definition of the data point. It can represent a single I/O connection or a bundle of connections, which are differentiated by the index.

  • Datapoint index: the index of the instance of the data point. If there is a single element in the data point name, the index is -1. Otherwise, the index ranges from [0, n-1], n being the number of elements in the bundle.

In the Python API, the exchanger name matches the part before the first "/" of the I/O connection. The datapoint name is the second part after the first "/". The index 

Disable I/O

Disable the I/O connection. The connection is not cleared, but it is ignored during the simulation.

It is possible to perform actions on multiple sensors simultaneously by holding down ctrl + left-click on any column. Then press right-click in order to display the action submenu.