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Frequency Measure Element

Properties: Determines the fundamental frequency of a bus voltage symbol

Features: Can be used with any bus in the network using a basic frequency

General Parameters

Basic Frequency: Normal fundamental frequency of the network used as the main frequency of the bandpass filter (Hz)

Bandpass Filter Parameters
Bandwidth: Width of bandpass filter (Hz)

List of Available Signals
At acquisition, the following signals are made available by the sensors:

Freq_labelFundamental frequency (Hz)
Periode_labelFundamental period (s)
Vaf labelFiltered bus voltage for phase A (V)
Vbf labelFiltered bus voltage for phase B (V)
Vcf_labelFiltered bus voltage for phase C (V)

Frequency Measure Control Panel

The following figure shows an example of the parameters used for a 60 Hertz test.
Frequency measure control panel

Frequency Measure Model

The block diagram of the frequency measure element is shown in the next figure. The bus voltages are read and filtered, then the time between two zero crossings of these voltages is calculated.
When a voltage rise is detected, a counter is reset and increments until the next rise. The mean of three calculated periods is then determined and inverted to obtain the frequency. The variables
used in the block diagram are defined as follows:

Va, Vb, VcBus voltages
Vaf, Vbf, VcfFiltered voltages
FBBasic frequency
LBFilter bandwidth
NumParameters for the numerator polynomial of the filter
DenParameters for the denominator polynomial of the filter
Ra, Rb, RcSignals to reset the counters used to calculate the period
Pa, Pb, PcCalculated periods for three phases
fFundamental frequency

Block Diagram of Frequency Measure 1

Block Diagram of Frequency Measure 1

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