Build the Model
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Build the Model
Browse the TI C2000 Processors Library
- Click on Library Browser in the SIMULATION tab.
- Browse to Simulink Library Browser -> Embedded Coder Support … -> F2837xD
- Library F2837xD is the library (lib) to be used for the microcontroller.
Adding Memory Blocks
Adding "Input" Memory Blocks
- Browse to Simulink Library Browser → Memory Operations.
- Add a Memory Allocate block.
- Add a Memory Copy block.
- For clarity, let rename them:
- Rename the Memory Allocate block "Save_Input".
- Rename the Memory Copy block "Read_Input".
- Memory Allocate Block Parameters: Create an “input” variable.
- Memory Copy Block Parameters: Configure to read input variable from CCS.
Adding "Output" Memory Blocks
- Add another Memory Allocate block.
- Add another Memory Copy block.
- These blocks will let us see the “output” variable in CCS by storing its value.
- For clarity, let rename them:
- Rename the Memory Allocate block "Save_Output".
- Rename the Memory Copy block "Read_Output".
- Add a multiplication block and connect the Read_Input and the Read_Output as showed below.
- Memory Allocate Block Parameters: Create an “output” variable.
- Memory Copy Block Parameters: Configure to read output variable from CCS.
Adding a "Gain" Variable and Initialize it to 1
- Add another Memory Allocate block.
- Add another Memory Copy block.
- This block will let us see the “gain” variable in CCS by storing its value.
- For clarity, let rename them:
- Rename the Memory Allocate block "Save_Gain".
- Rename the Memory Copy block "Read_Gain".
- Memory Allocate Block Parameters: Create a “Gain” variable.
- Check the Initialize memory box.
- Enter "1" as the Initial value.
- Memory Copy Block Parameters: Configure to read Gain variable from CCS.
Set the Port Data Types
- Set the Port Data Types from DEBUG -> Information Overlays -> Ports -> Base Data Types
- This is to show data types for the signals, as shown in the final image of this page.
- We have to define data types when we use memory allocate and memory copy blocks above.
- The finished model looks like this.
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