SCIM/DFIM Magnetizing inductance parameters file
DFIM and SCIM machines share the same magnetizing inductance parameters
How to specify the magnetizing inductance parameters of an induction machine with saturation in the Schematic Editor?
The induction machine (IM) with saturation block uses a table-defined magnetizing inductance.
This file has to be in one of the specific formats which are described below.
What is the format of the IM with saturation magnetizing inductance parameters file?
There are two possible formats for the parameter file, depending on the option selected by the user. In both cases, the electrical parameters are described in a JSON format.
No-load saturation curve parameters
If the user selects the option "Stator Voltage Line to Line VS Stator Current", which is the default option, the following parameters must appear in the file.
Parameter (JSON key) | Value type | Unit | Description | Example |
NoLoadStatorCurrent | double array | Arms | Root mean-square value of the stator current measured under no-load test conditions. | "NoLoadStatorCurrent": [ |
NoLoadLineToLineVoltage | double array | Vrms | Root mean-square value of the line-to-line voltage measured under no-load test conditions. | "NoLoadLineToLineVoltage": [ |
NoLoadFrequency | double | Hertz | Frequency used during no-load test. This value shall not be zero. | "NoLoadFrequency": 60, |
NominalStatorLeakageInductance | double | Henry | Nominal value of stator leakage inductance, calculated from the locked-root test. | "NominalStatorLeakageInductance": 0.0008, |
For further information about locked-rotor test and no-load test, please refer to IEEE Std 112 - IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators .
The examples provided above, when combined in a valid JSON format, would appear as follows:
"NoLoadStatorCurrent": [
"NoLoadLineToLineVoltage": [
"NoLoadFrequency": 60,
"NominalStatorLeakageInductance": 0.0008
Parameters constraints
The parameters in the file must be compatible with the induction machine equivalent circuit per phase. If the measurements and the nominal parameters are not compatible, an error message will be raised.
The following constraints applies for the no-load saturation curve parameters.
is the nominal value of stator leakage inductance, and
is the frequency used during no-load test.
Additionally, the number of elements of the array “NoLoadStatorCurrent“ shall be the same of “NoLoadLineToLineVoltage“.
Flux-dependent magnetizing inductance
Alternatively, if the user selects the option "Magnetizing Inductance VS Magnetizing Flux", the following parameters must appear in the file.
Parameter (JSON key) | Value type | Unit | Description | Example |
MagnetizingFlux | double array | Weber | Magnetizing flux | "MagnetizingFlux": [ |
MagnetizingInductance | double array | Henry | Magnetizing inductance | "MagnetizingInductance": [ |
The examples provided above, when combined in a valid JSON format, would appear as follows:
"MagnetizingFlux": [
"MagnetizingInductance": [
Parameter constraints
The following constraints applies for the flux-dependent magnetizing inductance parameters:
is the magnetizing flux, and
is the magnetizing inductance.
Additionally, the number of elements of the array “MagnetizingFlux“ shall be the same of “MagnetizingInductance“.
OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323
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