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Power Electronics Add-On 1.15.0

Release Date

Dec 19, 2023

What’s New

  • Added support for VeriStand 2023.

  • Added support for FPGA board IO configuration at edit-time (ex. DIO line direction) for FPGAs that support this type of behavior.

  • Added mapping validation feature that warns users if any mapping selections (IO, circuit switches, machine mappings, etc.) are invalid. Executed every time the system definition is saved.

  • Added support for on-the-fly tuning of Analog Input Gain and Offset values.


  • Support for VeriStand 2019 has been dropped.

The next release of the Power Electronics Add-On will drop support for VeriStand 2020.

Upgrade Process

To migrate a VeriStand project to the latest version of the Power Electronics Add-On, please refer to the Project Migration Procedure.

NI Packages

This release installs the following NI Packages:

  • OPAL-RT Power Electronics Add-On for VeriStand 1.15.0

  • OPAL-RT Advanced Electric Machine Simulation Runtime 5.1.0

  • OPAL-RT eHS Runtime 5.4.0

  • OPAL-RT Hardware Configuration Manager 2.5.0

  • OPAL-RT License Manager 2.5.0

Known Issues

Known Issues 1.15.0


OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. | 1751, rue Richardson, bureau 1060 | Montréal, Québec Canada H3K 1G6 | | +1 514-935-2323