IEC61850 Introduction - Legacy

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IEC61850 Introduction - Legacy


IEC 61850 is a standard for the design of electrical substation automation and a part of the International Electrotechnical Commission's (IEC) Technical Committee 57 reference architecture for electric power systems. The abstract data models defined in IEC 61850 can be mapped to a number of protocols. Currently supported mappings in the standard are to GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) and SV (Sampled Values). These protocols can run over substation LANs using high-speed Ethernet switches to obtain the necessary response times of less than 4 ms for protective relaying.

The UCA international users' group has published the Implementation guideline for digital interface to instrument transformers using IEC 61850-9-2. This implementation guideline is an agreement of the vendors participating in the UCA users group on how the first implementations of digital interfaces to instrument transformers are to be made.

Based on these documents, RT-LAB implements the exchange of GOOSE messages with IED (chapter IEC 61850-8-1); Sampled Values (document IEC 61850-9-2LE); as well as Samples Values based on a Substation Configuration Language (SCL) file (as described in document IEC 61869-9).

Deprecation details

This interface is in the process of being phased out as it is replaced by a redesigned solution, with added support for the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) feature. The new interface's documentation can be found here.
In order to facilitate the migration from the legacy solution to the new one, a converter tool was made. It permits porting the configuration of the interface along with its created connections. The converter can be reached by clicking on the legacy interface's Convert to new I/O interface button, as seen in the image below:

The documentation for the converter tool can be found here.

NOTE: Support for the legacy interface will be dropped in version 2024.1. Please ensure to have done the migration to the new interface by that point, either by using the converter tool described above or by recreating the configuration manually.

NOTE: As of RT-LAB 2022.1, this interface can no longer be used to create new configurations. However, all previously made configurations will continue to be supported until version 2024.1.

IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE

The following information applies to both types of GOOSE message functionalities: Publishing and Subscribing.

Generic Object Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) is a control model mechanism in which any format of data (status, value) is grouped into a data set and transmitted within a time period of 4 milliseconds. GOOSE data is directly embedded into Ethernet data packets and works on the publisher-subscriber mechanism on multicast or broadcast MAC addresses. The same GOOSE message is retransmitted with varying and increasing re-transmission intervals. A new event occurring within any GOOSE data set element results in the existing GOOSE retransmission message being stopped. A state number (see stnum value in console) within the GOOSE protocol identifies whether a GOOSE message is a new message or a retransmitted message.
Please refer to IEC 61850-8-1 for further information about the support of GOOSE messages in the IEC 61850 standard.

The content of any GOOSE message must be described in an SCL (Substation Configuration Language) file. Usually SCL, ICD or CID files are provided with every IEC 61850 IED, or they can be created using the IED configuration tool. If the IED ICD file is not available, you can still modify the SCL example file (icd61850.icd) placed in the directory of the model. Update it by adding the structure of the awaited GOOSE message. For more information about SCL format, please refer to the chapter IEC 61850-6 of the IEC 61850 standard.

Select the SCL file, the IED and the GOOSE ID of the published or subscribed GOOSE message in the I/O configuration environment.

IEC 61850-9-2LE Sampled Values

To facilitate easy synchronization and efficient combination in substations at least for limited signal channels, the so-called logical merging unit (MU) was introduced. It combines related inputs like the currents and voltages from three phases, and additionally also the zero currents and voltages in one data set for transmission with the SV service to all subscribing IEDs.

IEC 61850-9-2 leaves both the combination of signal channels to data sets and the sampling rate as free engineering parameters. To facilitate the application of such samples and reduce acceptance problems, the user convention IEC 61850-9-2LE has recommended values for these parameters at least for the most common applications i.e. using 80 samples per cycle for protection and 256 samples per cycle for power quality.

IEC 61869-9 Sampled Values

This standard extends the use of Sampled Values to customizable data sets and sampling rate. The Sampled Values configuration is described in an SCL file harmonizing the data set description among GOOSE and Sampled Values.

Supported Features

RT-LAB IEC 61850 solution supports the following communication protocols:

GOOSE 8-1 Publishers & Subscribers

These items behave as transmission and reception units of Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) messages (command, control or status). Publishers and subscribers are configured by providing an SCL/CID/ICD file, creating connection points for every attributes comprised within the selected GOOSE message.

Sampled Values 9-2LE Publishers & Subscribers

These items represent respectively a merging unit and a subscriber in an IEC 61850 architecture. The logical device referred to as the Merging Unit (MU) performs a time a coherent combination of the current and/or voltage data. The MU contains the Logical Nodes TVTR (voltage transformer) and TCTR (current transformer). It combines the currents and voltages from three phases, and additionally also the neutral currents and voltages in one data set for transmission with the Sampled Values service to all subscribing Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED). This version of the Merging Unit follows the recommendations of the UCA International Users Group, published in the user convention IEC 61850-9-2LE. Mainly, the SV data set is composed of 4 CT/VT transmitted using 80 or 256 samples per cycle. The input data is computed and sent/received on/from the network by a driver application that runs at a frequency determined by the configured sample rate and nominal frequency.

Sampled Values IEC 61869-9 Publishers & Subscribers

Contrary to Sampled Values 9-2LE, the SV data set is composed of a custom number of current and voltage values, usually associated with quality value. In this standard, the transmission rate is not limited to 80 or 256 Samples Per Cycle.


RT-LAB IEC 61850 protocol can be configured through the I/O configuration panel. The Folders tab contains the 6 types of supported protocols: each contains different configuration parameters described below.
After modifying and saving the configuration, new connection points may appear in the I/O Explorer, accessible through the Project Explorer under the I/O item, or in the Configuration panel (Project Explorer > YOUR_PROJECT > Configuration).


Auto-connect to external synchronization if presentIf enabled, the driver will attempt to detect a synchronization source and automatically use it. The only source available for the moment is the Oregano Syn1588 PCIe card. The card needs to be present in the system and the Synchronization driver must be properly configured to achieve automatic synchronization.
Enable all SV and GOOSE services by default as soon as the simulation startsIf enabled, all the SV and GOOSE services will be active by default, without the need for handling each connection point. 'Enable' is used to activate the publishing or subscribing of messages.
Enable fixed-length encoding for GOOSE messages (61850-8-1 Ed.2 A.3)If enabled, the encoding of GOOSE messages will be done according to 61850-8-1 Ed.2 A.3. Some specific fields of the header and some data types will be encoded with a fixed-length, avoiding the compression done by ASN.1
Enable simulation flag (Reserved 1) in every SV and GOOSE telegramsIf enabled, the simulation bit in the Reserved 1 field of the header of each transmitted SV and GOOSE messages will be set to 1. This will identify the data as being transmitted by a simulated device.
Enable use of VLAN for SV and GOOSE telegramsIf enabled, every SV and GOOSE frames will be VLAN tagged with the identification number provided either in the SCL file, for GOOSE and SV-61869-9, either as a configuration parameter, for SV-LE.
Enable Sampled Values data integrity manipulationIf enabled, data integrity manipulation mechanisms will be available for the transmission of SV messages. Additional information on all the possible error injection features are described in this document.
Enable virtual modeIn virtual mode, the model can be executed even if this I/O interface is not compatible with the hardware configuration of the system. The connections between the model and the I/O interface will be done during the initialization, but the I/O interface will not do anything.
The virtual mode can be used to troubleshoot problems on a system without having the required hardware, or to prepare a model with different I/O interfaces even if the final hardware platform is not available.

GOOSE (8-1) Publishers

SCL fileThe selected file is parsed to retrieve available GOOSE data sets to be sent. The IED and GOOSE ID drop-down lists are automatically completed based on the content of this file.
IEDContains the list of available IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device) in the specified SCL file that may contain GOOSE message definition. The IED name may represent physical equipment placed within an IEC 61850 communication network.
GOOSE IDSelection of the GOOSE message to be sent on the network. Connection points should be available depending on the selected GOOSE message.
Ethernet AdapterThe desired network interface name. The proper interface name should be selected based on the information given by the Linux command ifconfig.

If INTERNAL is selected, the driver uses the system time of the simulator to compute protocol timings.

If EXTERNAL is selected, the GOOSE timings are synchronized with an external clock provided through connection points. This mode allows the use of Spectracom TSync or Oregano board to synchronize the protocol timings with a synchronization standard.

AppIDThis field is automatically updated with the GOOSE message Application ID retrieved from the SCL file. This field is not user-modifiable. This ID should be unique within the entire IEC 61850 network.
MAC addressThis field is automatically updated with the MAC multicast destination address where the GOOSE message will be published (e.g. '01-0C-CD-04-00-00'). The MAC address must respect the following format 'hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh', where h represents a hexadecimal digit. This field is not user-modifiable.

GOOSE (8-1) Subscribers

SCL fileThe selected file will be parsed to retrieve available GOOSE data sets to be received. The IED and GOOSE ID drop-down lists are automatically filled based on the content of this file.
IEDContains the list of available IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device) in the specified SCL file that may contain GOOSE message definition. The IED name may represent physical equipment placed within an IEC 61850 communication network.
GOOSE IDSelection of the GOOSE message to be received from the network. Connection points should be available depending on the selected GOOSE message.
Ethernet AdapterThe desired network interface name. The proper interface name should be selected based on the information given by the Linux command ifconfig.
AppIDThis field is automatically updated with the GOOSE message Application ID retrieved from the SCL file. This field is not user-modifiable. This ID should be unique within the entire IEC 61850 network.
MAC addressThis field is automatically updated with the MAC multicast destination address on which the GOOSE message will subscribe (e.g. '01-0C-CD-04-00-00'). The MAC address must respect the following format 'hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh', where h represents a hexadecimal digit. This field is not user-modifiable.

Sampled Values (9-2LE) Publishers

LD NameSpecifies the system-wide unique identifier, a string of minimum of 10 characters and a maximum of 35 characters. The user convention IEC61850-9-2LE recommends using the following format: xxxxMUnn; here XXXX is the concatenation of the substation name, voltage level, and bay, whereas nn identifies the measuring point.
MAC addressSpecifies the MAC multicast destination address identifying the Sampled Values to publish. The MAC address must respect the following format 'hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh', where h represents a hexadecimal digit.
Ethernet AdapterThe desired network interface name. The proper interface name should be selected based on the information given by the Linux command ifconfig.
VLAN IDSpecifies the VLAN ID for each Sampled Values publisher. The VLAN ID allows advanced configuration of smart switches to handle SV packet priorities on the network.
Nominal FrequencySpecifies the power system frequency.
Sampling RateSpecifies the number of samples transmitted per cycle.
ClockIf INTERNAL is selected, the driver uses the system time of the simulator to compute protocol timings. If EXTERNAL is selected, the SV timings will be synchronized with an external clock provided through connection points. This mode allows the use of Spectracom TSync or Oregano board to synchronize the protocol timings with a synchronization standard.

Sampled Values (9-2LE) Subscribers

LD NameSpecifies the system-wide unique identifier, a string of a minimum of 10 characters and a maximum of 35 characters. The user convention IEC61850-9-2LE recommends using the following format: xxxxMUnn; here xxxx is the concatenation of the substation name, voltage level, and bay, whereas nn identifies the measuring point.
MAC addressSpecifies the MAC multicast destination address identifying the Sampled Values to subscribe to. The MAC address must respect the following format 'hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh', where h represents a hexadecimal digit.
Ethernet AdapterThe desired network interface name. The proper interface name should be selected based on the information given by the Linux command ifconfig.

Sampled Values (IEC 61869-9) Publishers

SCL fileThe selected file will be parsed to retrieve available SV data sets to be sent. The IED and SV ID drop-down lists are automatically filled based on the content of this file.
IEDContains the list of available IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device) in the specified SCL file that may contain SV message definition. The IED name may represent physical equipment placed within an IEC 61850 communication network.
SV IDSelection of the SV message to be sent on the network. Connection points should be available depending on the selected SV message.
Ethernet AdapterThe desired network interface name. The proper interface name should be selected based on the information given by the Linux command ifconfig.
ClockIf INTERNAL is selected, the driver uses the system time of the simulator to compute protocol timings. If EXTERNAL is selected, the SV timings will be synchronized with an external clock provided through connection points. This mode allows the use of Spectracom TSync or Oregano board to synchronize the protocol timings with a synchronization standard.
Nominal FrequencySpecifies the power system frequency.
Sampling RateRead-only field displaying the number of samples transmitted per cycle, as defined in the SCL file.
Number of ASDUsRead-only field displaying the number of samples embedded in each packet, as defined in the SCL file.
AppIDRead-only field displaying the application ID of the selected message, as defined in the SCL file. This ID should be unique within the entire IEC 61850 network.
MAC addressRead-only field displaying the MAC multicast destination address where the SV message will be published, as defined in the SCL file. The MAC address must respect the following format 'hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh', where h represents a hexadecimal digit.

Sampled Values (IEC 61869-9) Subscribers

SCL fileThe selected file will be parsed to retrieve available SV data sets to be received. The IED and SV ID drop-down lists are automatically filled based on the content of this file.
IEDContains the list of available IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device) in the specified SCL file that may contain SV message definition. The IED name may represent physical equipment placed within an IEC 61850 communication network.
SV IDSelection of the SV message to be received on the network. Connection points should be available depending on the selected SV message.
Ethernet AdapterThe desired network interface name. The proper interface name should be selected based on the information given by the Linux command ifconfig.
Sampling RateRead-only field displaying the number of samples that should be received per cycle, as defined in the SCL file.
Number of ASDUsRead-only field displaying the number of samples embedded in each packet, as defined in the SCL file.
AppIDRead-only field displaying the application ID of the selected message, as defined in the SCL file. This ID should be unique within the entire IEC 61850 network.
MAC addressRead-only field displaying the MAC multicast destination address where the SV message will be received, as defined in the SCL file. The MAC address must respect the following format 'hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh', where h represents a hexadecimal digit.


Every configuration modification can change the available connection points. These appear in the I/O Explorer, accessible through the Project Explorer under the I/O item, or in the Configuration panel (Project Explorer > YOUR_PROJECT > Configuration).

GOOSE (8-1) Publishers

Publishers are referenced by their GOOSE ID. Each of them contains the following connection points.



This input controls the transmission of GOOSE messages. An input of 1 activates transmission and a value of 0 disables it.

Data / Data Objects (DO) / Data Attributes (DA):
Every basic attribute found in the GOOSE definition provides a connection point referenced by their DO and DA names.
For example, the XML data set described below will provide the connection points Ovp1.intA, Ovp1.intB, Ovp2.intA and Ovp2.intB.

<DataSet name=Goose_OV2PTOV>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp1 daName=intA fc=ST/>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp1 daName=intB fc=ST/>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp2 daName=intA fc=ST/>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp2 daName=intB fc=ST/>


simulationThis input controls directly the GOOSE Header field test. If the input value is TRUE, GOOSE message will be transmitted with test flag equal to TRUE informing to all subscribers that Object Input Data is the result of testing.
ndsComThis input controls directly the GOOSE Header field needs commissioning.
ClockIdeally, the timestamp input should come from an accurate synchronization source. Otherwise, there is no guarantee on the data sampling, reported data rate and a fraction of second information.
SyncIt is a binary value (0 or 1) that represents the synchronization state of the timestamp. If the timestamp is synchronized with an accurate external source such as a GPS, the value applied to this signal should be set 1 and otherwise, it should be 0. This value will appear in each time qualify byte of the data frames to indicate the validity of the timestamp.
EpochRepresents the number of seconds elapsed since first January 1970, commonly known as Unix epoch time. It means that it has to increment at each second. The GOOSE Publisher uses this signal to timestamp the outgoing packets. The more accurate this epoch time input will be, the more accurate will be the timestamp of the outgoing packets.
MicrosecondsRepresents the microseconds count within the current second.


  • stNum:
    This value is incremented, starting from 0, with every change of whichever of the objects contained within the GOOSE message.
  • sqNum:
    This value is incremented, starting from 0, with every GOOSE message received without any modification to its objects' value. If any change is detected for whichever of the objects this count is RESET to zero.

GOOSE (8-1) Subscribers

Subscribers are referenced by their GOOSE ID. Each of them contains the following connection points.



This input controls the reception of GOOSE messages. An input of 1 activates reception and a value of 0 disables it.


Data / Data Objects (DO) / Data Attributes (DA):

Every basic attribute found in the GOOSE definition provides a connection point referenced by their DO and DA names.
For example, the XML data set described below will provide the connection points Ovp1.intA, Ovp1.intB, Ovp2.intA and Ovp2.intB.

<DataSet name=Goose_OV2PTOV>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp1 daName=intA fc=ST/>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp1 daName=intB fc=ST/>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp2 daName=intA fc=ST/>
<FCDA ... doName=Ovp2 daName=intB fc=ST/>


stNumThis value is incremented, starting from 0, with every change of whichever of the objects contained within the GOOSE message.
sqNumThis value is incremented, starting from 0, with every GOOSE message received without any modification to its objects' value. If any change is detected for whichever of the objects this count is RESET to zero.
State0 > Message reception has been stopped or first message has not been received yet.
1 > Reception is operational.
-4 > Message lost: the time-frame period between two consecutive GOOSE messages has overpassed TimeAllowedToLive parameter.
-5 > Message Out of Order: newly received message has a sqNum or stNum smaller than the previously received message. In other words, the current message is older than the previous one.
-14 > pcap library initialization error: verify if the Ethernet adapter is a valid interface configured for communication in the IEC 61850 network.

Sampled Values (9-2LE) Publishers

Publishers are referenced by their LD Name. Each of them contains the following connection points.


EnableThis input controls the transmission of Sampled Values messages. An input of 1 activates transmission and value of 0 disables it.
Voltage ValueIt is a vector of 4 voltages [Va, Vb, Vc, Vn] which are the 3 phase voltages and neutral voltage.
Voltage QualityIt is a vector of 4 quality values [QVa, QVb, QVc, QVn]. Each element represents a 16-bit value. The signification of each bit is described in the table below.
Current ValueIt is a vector of 4 currents [Ia, Ib, Ic, In] which are the 3 phase currents and neutral current.
Current Quality

It is a vector of 4 quality values [QIa, QIb, QIc, QIn]. Each element represents a 16-bit value.

The signification of each bit is described in the table below.

Current Quality Bit Significance

BitAttribute NameAttibute ValueValueDefault Value
0-1ValidityGood0 00 0

Invalid0 1

Reserved1 0

Questionable1 1
3Out of range
4Bad reference
7Old data

12Operator blocked


Ideally, the timestamp input should come from an accurate synchronization source. Otherwise, there is no guarantee on the data sampling, reported data rate and a fraction of second information.

SyncIt is a binary value (0 or 1) that represents the synchronization state of the timestamp. If the timestamp is synchronized with an accurate external source such as a GPS, the value applied to this signal should be set 1 and otherwise, it should be 0. This value will appear in the smpSynch attribute of SV messages.
SecondsRepresents the second increment, which may be the epoch time (see above), as well as a counter of a period of one second. It means that it has to increment at each second. The Sampled Values Publisher uses this value to set the attribute smpCnt in SV messages. The more accurate this epoch time input will be, the more accurate will be the timestamp of the outgoing packets.

Sampled Values (9-2LE) Subscribers

Subscribers are referenced by their LD Name. Each of them contains the following connection points.


This input controls the reception of Sampled Values messages. An input of 1 activates reception and value of 0 disables it.


Voltage ValueIt is a vector of 4 voltages [Va, Vb, Vc, Vn] which are the 3 phase voltages and neutral voltage.
Voltage QualityIt is a vector of 4 quality values [QVa, QVb, QVc, QVn]. Each element represents a 16-bit value. The signification of each bit is described in the table above.
Current ValueIt is a vector of 4 currents [Ia, Ib, Ic, In] which are the 3 phase currents and neutral current.
Current QualityIt is a vector of 4 quality values [QIa, QIb, QIc, QIn]. Each element represents a 16-bit value. The signification of each bit is described in the table above.
TimestampIt is an output that provides the time when each SV message was captured. This is an increasing count in microseconds provided by the Ethernet card.
smpCntIt is the count of SV messages sent since the last change of second. For an SV stream of 80 Samples Per Cycle at 60 Hz, smpCnt should increase from 0 to 4799, and wrap-around, at every second.

Sampled Values (IEC 61869-9) Publishers

Publishers are referenced by their LD Name. Each of them contains the following connection points.


EnableThis input controls the transmission of Sampled Values messages. An input of 1 activates transmission and value of 0 disables it.
Data / Data Objects (DO) / Data Attributes (DA)Every basic attribute found in the SV definition provides a connection point referenced by their DO and DA names.
The data set described in the SCL file will provide the connection points on voltage and current values, as well as their quality values.
ClockIdeally, the timestamp input should come from an accurate synchronization source. Otherwise, there is no guarantee on the data sampling, reported data rate and a fraction of second information.
SyncIt is a binary value (0 or 1) that represents the synchronization state of the timestamp. If the timestamp is synchronized with an accurate external source such as a GPS, the value applied to this signal should be set 1 and otherwise, it should be 0. This value will appear in the smpSynch attribute of SV messages.
SecondsRepresents the second increment, which may be the epoch time (see above), as well as a counter of a period of one second. It means that it has to increment at each second. The Sampled Values Publisher uses this value to set the attribute smpCnt in SV messages. The more accurate this epoch time input will be, the more accurate will be the timestamp of the outgoing packets.

Sampled Values (IEC 61869-9) Subscribers

Subscribers are referenced by their LD Name. Each of them contains the following connection points.


This input controls the reception of Sampled Values messages. An input of 1 activates reception and value of 0 disables it.


Data / Data Objects (DO) / Data Attributes (DA)Every basic attribute found in the SV definition provides a connection point referenced by their DO and DA names.
The data set described in the SCL file will provide the connection points on voltage and current values, as well as their quality values.
TimestampIt is an output that provides the time when each SV message was captured. This is an increasing count in microseconds provided by the Ethernet card.
smpCntIt is the count of SV messages sent since the last change of second. For an SV stream of 80 Samples Per Cycle at 60 Hz, smpCnt should increase from 0 to 4799, and wrap-around, at every second.

Sampled Values Fault Injection

This feature allows the user to inject one or multiple faults in the IEC 61850-9-2LE Sampled Values publisher(s). When this license-protected feature is activated, new connection points are available in the Project Configuration panel. Every Sampled Values Publishers instance will have a new folder called Faults with the new connections points. Here is a description of the different faults, and how to configure them:

Stop Transmission

Simulate the loss of packets on the network by stopping the SV publishing during a certain amount of frames.

TriggerAt rising-edge from 0 to 1, the fault will be applied. The trigger needs to be reset at 0 to be able to create a new fault.
Mode0 > Fault is applied immediately after the trigger is raised.
1 > Fault is applied as soon as the smpCnt reaches the value provided in the connection Wait for smpCnt.
Number of framesThis value is the number of frames that will be dropped, prevented from being sent on the network.
Wait for smpCntIf Mode is set to 1, the fault is delayed to wait the specified smpCnt value.

Delay Transmission

Simulate an unwanted delay on the network by delaying the frames for a configured amount of time in microseconds, for a certain amount of frames.

TriggerAt rising-edge from 0 to 1, the fault will be applied. The trigger needs to be reset at 0 to be able to create a new fault.
Mode0 > Fault is applied immediately after the trigger is raised.
1 > Fault is applied as soon as the smpCnt reaches the value provided in the connection Wait for smpCnt.
Delay (us)When the trigger will be raised, the transmission of the frames will be delayed by this value in microseconds. An internal buffer will keep all the information to delay the packet. The delay can be a value from 0 to 1,000,000, i.e. the maximum accepted delay is one second.
Wait for smpCntIf Mode is set to 1, the fault is delayed to wait the specified smpCnt value.
Discard bufferThis connection allows resetting of the delay to 0 while discarding every value in the internal buffer.
Flush on NetworkThis connection allows resetting of the delay to 0 while flushing every value from the internal buffer on the network immediately.

Duplicate Transmission

Simulate a wrong network topology where packets could be sent multiple times by duplicating frames a certain time and for a certain amount of frames.

TriggerAt rising-edge from 0 to 1, the fault will be applied. The trigger needs to be reset at 0 to be able to create a new fault.
Mode0 > Fault is applied immediately after the trigger is raised.
1 > Fault is applied as soon as the smpCnt reaches the value provided in the connection Wait for smpCnt.
Number of framesThis value is the number of frames on which the duplication fault will be applied.
Number of duplicationsThis value is the number of times a specific frame will be duplicated. If this number is 5, every frame will be sent 5 times on the network together.
Wait for smpCntIf Mode is set to 1, the fault is delayed to wait the specified smpCnt value.

smpCnt Manipulation

Simulate a man-in-the-middle attack by manipulating the smpCnt of a stream.

TriggerAt rising-edge from 0 to 1, the fault will be applied. The trigger needs to be reset at 0 to be able to create a new fault.
Mode0 > Fault is applied immediately after the trigger is raised.
1 > Fault is applied as soon as the smpCnt reaches the value provided in the connection Wait for smpCnt.
New smpCntWhen the fault is triggered, the smpCnt will be overridden by the value provided in this connection. It is up to the user to control the validity of the new smpCnt.
Wait for smpCntIf Mode is set to 1, the fault is delayed to wait the specified smpCnt value.

smpSynch Manipulation

Simulate a man-in-the-middle attack by manipulating the smpSynch of a stream.

TriggerAt rising-edge from 0 to 1, the fault will be applied. The trigger needs to be reset at 0 to be able to create a new fault.
Mode0 > Fault is applied immediately after the trigger is raised.
1 > Fault is applied as soon as the smpCnt reaches the value provided in the connection Wait for smpCnt.
Number of framesThis value is the number of frames on which the smpSynch manipulation fault will be applied.
smpSynchWhen the fault is triggered, the smpSynch value will be overridden by the value provided in this connection.
Wait for smpCntIf Mode is set to 1, the fault is delayed to wait the specified smpCnt value.

Quality Manipulation

Simulate a man-in-the-middle attack by manipulating the quality of the stream voltage and current values.

TriggerAt rising-edge from 0 to 1, the fault will be applied. The trigger needs to be reset at 0 to be able to create a new fault.
Mode0 > Fault is applied immediately after the trigger is raised.
1 > Fault is applied as soon as the smpCnt reaches the value provided in the connection Wait for smpCnt.
Number of framesThis value is the number of frames on which the quality manipulation fault will be applied.
Voltage QualityWhen the fault is triggered, the voltage quality values will be overridden by the values provided in this connection.
Current QualityWhen the fault is triggered, the current quality values will be overridden by the values provided in this connection.
Wait for smpCntIf Mode is set to 1, the fault is delayed to wait the specified smpCnt value.


Support for the legacy interface will be dropped in version 2024.1. Please ensure to have done the migration to the new interface by that point, either by using the converter tool described here or by recreating the configuration manually.

As of RT-LAB 2022.1, this interface can no longer be used to create new configurations. However, all previously made configurations will continue to be supported until version 2024.1.

IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE

  • Supported GOOSE basic attributes are: BOOLEAN, INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, INT8U, INT16U, INT32U, FLOAT32, FLOAT64, Enum, Dbpos, Tcmd, Check, Quality, Timestamp, and Struct.
  • MMS mapping services are not supported.
  • Timestamp data type is only processed at GOOSE header level as UTC field; otherwise, it is treated as a simple integer.

IEC 61850-9-2LE Sampled Values

  • Sampled Values Subscribers can only filter messages by multicast address; therefore is it not possible to have two SV messages being published on the same address since SV Subscribers will subscribe to both leading to erroneous information.

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